"Divorce?" Shen Huilan sighed and said to Ning Xin, "why should I divorce? I'm a good big girl. I don't dislike your father's poverty. I choose to marry him. My father, who is your grandfather, used most of his family property to finance Zhentian's business. Zhentian has been stuck in business for several times, and my father will take money to solve his immediate difficulties. Finally, his business began to make money, our hard life passed, and we began to be rich. Why did you choose to leave your father at that time? I quit all my good jobs for your father. I turned myself into a housewife without financial resources. I sacrificed so much for this family. Why should I leave your father when his career began to improve significantly? At that time, when I knew your father was out there, did you know how sad I was? I want to quarrel, to make trouble, to divorce, to commit suicide. But even if I commit suicide, can all this be restored? If I got divorced, wouldn't it be cheaper for the woman with my father's property? What's more, Min Hao was still young at that time, and he was not yet an adult. If he got divorced, what would he do? Who will raise Min Ho? If he followed the earthquake, it would be easy for him to become a lonely child because of his parents' divorce, long-term absence of his mother, and his father's busy working. Would he develop the personality of today's open and generous, high spirited and infatuated with thousands of girls? Min'er, you are right. Cheating in marriage is disgusting, but what can I do? How your father treated me Oh no, how can I swallow this breath when Park Zhentian treats me so much? After his business improved, I once found that he secretly took our money to support other women and her children! Then I collapsed! At that time, the family made a total of more than 1 million yuan. However, he gave more than half of them and one million yuan to the woman so that she could settle down in the United States. Only a few hundred thousand yuan was left in his family to support his wife and children and do business later. Can be seen in the heart of the earthquake, that woman's status is much higher than the family! He never thought that the hundreds of thousands of his money would be enough for the three of us to live in. What's more, he didn't think that his future business was not easy to do and what to do if he lost all the hundreds of thousands of them. He didn't think whether it was worthy of our mother and son! "

"Mom..." Ning Xin's eyes suddenly moistened, and she suddenly felt the difference of her mother. Looking at Shen Huilan's tears filled her eyes, her heart suddenly became soft. She was suddenly very sympathetic to her mother. Although she knew it was shameful to cheat in marriage, the man was her own mother! What's more, she's a victim. After so many years, she did not divorce Park Zhentian. It can be seen that she either loves Park Zhentian too deeply or she has endured too long. Either way, Ning Xin knows that it's not easy for a woman. Love is often even a sand can not hold, let alone a bastard! She put her arm around Shen Huilan's shoulder, patted her gently, and said to Shen, "Mom, don't be too sad. After all, those things were long ago."

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