"Brother, yes! It will be! " Park Min Ho excitedly said to him, "brother, as long as you don't mind my annoyance. My brother, will help you take care of yanmiao group. But as for the position of chairman of yanmiao group, I think you are the only one. "

"Min Ho!" When Shen Huilan heard this, she was shocked, and then she called out Park Minho's name in great fear. Looking at him, some of the chairman of the group did not let him down easily.

"Min Ho." Park Zhihao looked at Park Minho excitedly and said to him, "I will deal with the group's affairs. The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your injuries. When you recover, we will fight together again

"Brother." Park Min Ho pursed his lips and said to him, "I'll take care of my wound. If it wasn't for you this time, I'm afraid I would have died."

"Min Ho, what are you doing with that?" Park Ji ho patted Park Min Ho on the shoulder and said to him, "what thanks do you want to say between us brothers! As long as you can save your life, let alone take a basin of my blood, even if it is to let me lose my life, I will also... " However, before Park Zhihao's words were finished, Shen Huilan couldn't restrain her impulse and wanted to slap him. She thought that park Zhihao was full of nonsense and honey, but she didn't expect that park Zhihao suddenly fainted in the past!

Shen Huilan was shocked by park Zhihao's sudden fainting! What's more, she was surprised that under Park Zhihao's body, she didn't know when there was a pool of blood! She started to scream in fear, jumping out of the ward to look for a doctor.

"Doctor! Doctor Shen Huilan jumps up and down like a frightened crazy woman. People in the hospital looked at this seemingly beautiful and elegant woman with strange eyes, but she acted like a crazy woman. She had to feel astonished. Some people even think that she is a mental patient who escapes. After waking up, her actions and thoughts are out of control, which makes her so crazy.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" A doctor suddenly ran over to Shen Huilan and said, "what's going on, ma'am?"

"Blood! Blood Shen Huilan exclaimed to the nurse, "he fainted and shed a lot of blood! Go and see him! He just had a lot of blood transfusion, and then he suddenly shed so much blood. Would he be in shock? Will he die? Go and see him

"Where is it?" As he spoke, the doctor followed Shen Huilan until he reached Park Min Ho's ward. I saw a man lying in a large pool of blood, which occupied an area much larger than that of this big man. In this short time, park Zhihao shed so much blood, which made Shen Huilan feel afraid. She felt as if she was about to suffocate, and looking at everything in front of her, she felt terrible and incredible. She looked at the pool of blood in horror, tried to control her breathing, and tried not to faint because of the sight.

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