"The truth?" The police couldn't help but sneer at her. He looked at the American woman and said to her, "isn't this lady talking about the truth?"

"Of course not!" "I'm not running away. I'm chasing a criminal suspect!" said Luo Xi Wei.

"suspect?" The officer sneered again. He looked at Luo Xiwei and couldn't help but laugh at him. "With your weak body, do you still want to arrest people? Even if the other party is a suspect, I am afraid that if you catch up with others, you also cast your own Internet cafes.

"I..." Weixiluo didn't say anything at once. He looked at the police officer, at his fleshy face, and then at his ferocious manner. He didn't know what to say.

"Why, was I right?" The officer's face was full of laughter. He said to Luo Xiwei, "I see you, that's what this lady said. You want to escape the order. You saw her car hit and thought she would spend all her heart on her car, and she didn't care about your tiny taxi fare, right? It's a pity that we Americans are not as good at accounting as you Chinese people. We don't care which accident is big or which is small. No matter how big the accident is, we have the ability to solve it. However small the accident is, we can't turn a blind eye to it. For those of you who want to spend no money and want to run away, I believe that this lady, as an American, can not tolerate such behavior. It's really bad luck to meet you Chinese. You'd better pay a hundred dollars, or I'll take you back to the police station in handcuffs. "

"What?" Luoxiwei couldn't believe her ears! You want her to be fined a hundred dollars, or you're going to handcuff her and take her to the police station?! It's incredible! Is this how the police in the United States take people away without asking? no Looking at the officer in horror, she said to him, "I'm really not a dodger. You know what? The man I was chasing was the suspect in a murder case in a nearby hospital yesterday. I know him. After he hit the lady's car, he wanted to turn the car around and leave. If a car had not stopped behind him, he would have turned around and run. You see, it was just a small rear end accident, and the rear end was not entirely responsible for the other party. He abandoned the car and left. It can be seen that he felt guilty in his heart. He knew me and knew that I knew that he was the murderer. He didn't expect that I knew him and knew that he was the murderer in the car he hit, so when he saw me, he ran away. When I was chasing him, I thought that there would be people around me to help me catch him. I think that many people have great power. In addition, the Americans in my imagination are just, so I think there will always be someone to help me catch him, and someone will catch him. The farther away the killer was from me, the farther away she was from me Although luoxiwei had millions of dislikes in her heart and a lot of resentment against the police officer, she said to the officer seriously.

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