"Don't call me Ningxin any more, Luo Xiwei." Ningxin even more determined to Luo Xiwei said, "I will not call you sister Weiwei again. I don't want a sister like you. Now that something like this happened today, although Charlie still failed in the end, the reason for the failure was that I suddenly appeared, not any one of you stopped halfway. It can be said that if I didn't show up in time, things between you two would have happened. So, in the future, let's treat them as strangers. "

"Ning Xin, can you stop this After all, there was nothing between Charlie and me. We don't have an emotional connection, and we don't have the kind of relationship you think. " Luo Xiwei said to Ning Xin with some disappointment.

"All right. Don't say anything. " Ningxin said faintly, "no such relationship as I imagined? What kind of relationship do I imagine? Is this what I imagined, or did you two make it? Luo Xiwei, don't always pretend to be a poor person. My brother will believe you, but I will not believe you again. Don't say anything. Charlie's room next door should have been arranged. It's getting late. I'm going to bed. " Finish saying, "bang" ground one, Ning Xin closes the door.

Luo Xiwei is so isolated by Ning Xin in the living room. She sat on the sofa by herself, thinking about everything before. She kept asking herself why she didn't refuse in time when Charlie was about to take further action against her. Is it true that they can not make a little strength out of it? Is this really no strength, or Or are you looking forward to Charlie's further action on her?

Oh, my God! When Luo Xiwei thought of this place, she couldn't help being frightened by her own ideas! She has always been a very conservative girl. How could she suddenly have such an idea? Since her first kiss and everything has been given to park Min Ho, naturally she is going to stay with Park Min Ho for the rest of her life! Why do you feel like a bad woman, as if she wanted to betray Park Min Ho? Luo Xiwei suddenly shook her head, gave herself a mouth, and scolded herself: "luoxiwei, don't think about it any more. You are not such a woman. You were not, nor are you, nor will you be such a woman in the future." Suddenly she got up and went straight to Charlie's room.

Charlie's room is too laggy. All around the wall were pictures of Conan. Luo Xiwei raised her head and even the ceiling was covered with Conan's head. She felt like she was in a magical environment, surrounded by Conan. She looked around. There were more than 200 Conans on the walls! Luo Xiwei suddenly buried her head, and suddenly felt dizzy. The bed was cluttered with things, the quilts were not folded, and they were thrown on the bed in disorder, as if they had just been ravaged. There were several wrinkled shirts lying on the quilt, and the ground around was full of things, which made Luo Xiwei feel that she could hardly get down.

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