Park Min Ho couldn't help but close his eyes. He took a look at Luo Xiwei and said coldly to Luo Xiwei: "you go!"

"Go?" Luo Xiwei glared at Park Min Ho and said, "where do you want me to go?"

"Go where you want to go." Park Min Ho lightly said to Luo Xiwei, "as long as it doesn't appear in my sight."

"Min Ho, you..." Luo Xiwei couldn't believe her ears. "What are you talking about? Min Ho, I.... " Luo Xiwei originally wanted to tell Park minhao that this was her first time to come to the United States. She was not familiar with her place of life, nor did she know the environment around her. Originally, she could go back to the house that Ningxin and Charlie rented, but now Ning Xin treats her like this, I'm afraid she can't go back. In the United States, Luo Xiwei hardly knew anyone except a few people in park Min Ho's party. She would like to tell Park Minho that she should not be driven away. At any rate, she should be allowed to stay here and have a place to live. However, Luo Xiwei looked at Park Min Ho's lonely and resolute eyes, and finally beat the retreat drum. She recoiled a little, and at last she said nothing.

"I've said everything I should have said." Park Min Ho turned his head around and looked at Luo Xiwei carelessly. He said to Luo Xiwei, "if you have anything at last, you can say it.

"No No more. " Luo Xiwei hesitated a little, and finally said to park Min Ho. She took a look at Park Min Ho, and finally gave up all the words she wanted to say, and then she left here very lost. She thought, in fact, she didn't have to tell Park Min Ho that she didn't know anyone here and there was no place to go. Park Min Ho must have known about it. However, looking at his indifference and determination, Luo Xiwei thought that he must be very disappointed with her and no longer love her, so that he would be so ruthless. Therefore, Luo Xiwei, whose heart had been broken for a long time, finally decided to leave without looking back.

And now lying in the hospital bed Park Min Ho is how worried! He knew that, with the insight of lothewie, she must have come to the United States for the first time. She didn't even have a passport before, and even the passport was done by park Minho. It can be seen that she must be a stranger to Lu Chi here today! However, park Min Ho or ruthless, will be like a road crazy like Luo Xiwei out.

When Luo Xiwei left without returning, park Min Ho finally looked at the direction of Luo Xiwei's departure. At this moment, how he hoped that he could catch up with Luo Xiwei and tell her tenderly that all he had done was to protect her! But he could never tell her directly! For the safety of luoxiwei and the 100% safety of luoxiwei, park minhao had to work hard here. Even if Luo Xiwei had someone else, park Min Ho thought, it was better than her personal safety to be hurt. Because he knew that in her heart, Luo Xiwei's personal safety and health were more important than anything!

However, even if Park Min Ho's mouth is so ruthless, looking at Park Min Ho's so dejected expression and guilty eyes, Shen Huilan and Ning Xin know that park minhao's heart is still full of tenderness and honey to Luo Xiwei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!