"I already know." Ning Xin looked at Park Min Ho silently and said to him.

Ning Xin's sad look in his eyes made Park minhao feel distressed. Looking at Ning Xin, I can't bear to tell her the truth. However, the truth that Ning Xin thought was cruel to park Min Ho.

"You all Do you know? " Park Min Ho looked at Ning Xin awkwardly and said to Ning Xin. He scratched his head and the expression on his face was somewhat unnatural.

"I mean, I really knew who my own father was." Ning Xin solemnly looks at Park Min Ho. She knows that park Min Ho has not yet known who her father is.

"I know." Park Min Ho looked at Ning Xin almost perfunctorily, but he could not think of it. Just when Ning Xin went to call the doctor, what Shen Huilan said to him in the ward, Ning Xin had already listened to them. That's why she didn't come back that night and left here sullenly. Of course, that night, she happened to see Luo Xiwei and Charlie at home, which seemed ambiguous It was on this day that she misunderstood the affair between Charlie and Luo Xiwei, so that the relationship between Ning Xin and Charlie was completely broken, and the relationship between Ning Xin and Luo Xiwei was finally changed from a good sister to a stranger with suspicion

"You don't know." Ning Xin looked at Park Min Ho solemnly and said to him, "I already know all about it. I heard what you and my mother said in the ward last night when I went to call the doctor."

"What?" Park Min Ho could not help feeling embarrassed, but also Shen Huilan. He looked at Ning Xin with some sadness, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted, "don't be sad. My mother has a hard time. You are a woman, and I think you can understand my mother better than I do

"I understand." Ning Xin smiles at Park Min Ho and says to him, "just last night, I still can't accept this. So when I learned that my biological father was my mother's best friend, not that gangster, when I learned that my mother had cheated me, my heart was somewhat hostile to my mother. I felt that she had failed her father and my trust in her. But it wasn't until yesterday's incident with Charlie that I realized how much a woman's heart was broken by a desperate man, so I even became a little sympathetic to my mother, for her suffering for our brother and sister for so many years. Although she cheated me, I knew that she was also trying to maintain her good image as a mother in my mind. So I don't blame her. I really understand her, brother, mother, this life is really too difficult, I even think, she never get dad's love. So, brother, we should treat her better and not make her sad, OK

Ning Xin's words made Park minhao deeply touched. Ning Xin actually said that! She said she would be better to her mother in the future! Park Min Ho was very pleased. Ning Xin seemed to have grown up. She was no longer the little girl who worried him everywhere. She also began to understand the truth. He also knew that Ning Xin didn't mean to frame Luo Xiwei. Even Ning Xin was willing to believe that the person who was too close to Charlie was not Luo Xiwei. However, her anger made her unable to find the north. Therefore, park Min Ho forgot Ning Xin's slander for Luo Xiwei. He touched Ning Xin's head with pity. She was still his good sister.

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