"Mother, is this really the case?" Park Zhihao looked at Li Qiuxian with some sadness, but he still couldn't believe it. Tears swirled in his eyes, which made him moved. He looked at Li Qiuxian with some doubts and said, "Mom, it's impossible! You were about to tell the truth just now. How can you change your tongue suddenly? No, I don't believe it. It's not true! " Park Zhihao kept shaking his head and refused to believe what Li Qiuxian had just said. If what Li Qiuxian just said is true, is it an honest sister-in-law lying? Secondly, in Pu Zhihao's eyes, sister-in-law is almost a reliable person who never tells lies! Park Zhihao firmly believed that sister Chen would not lie! But looking at Li Qiuxian's uncertain, if the shadow if present look, park Zhihao a glance to see that she is deliberately hiding something. However, what puzhihao felt incomprehensible was that he never understood why Li Qiuxian lied.

"A pickaxe." Li Qiuxian looked at PU Zhihao and said to him patiently, "yes, I really wanted to tell the truth just now, and the fact will come out of my mouth. However, this fact is that I am indeed the murderer of Park Zhentian. There is no behind the scenes as you said. This matter is very simple, but park Zhentian once abandoned me, let me hate him to the bone, so I want to murder him! Zhihao, if you really want to find out what's behind the scenes, I can tell you for sure that this is me. "

"No!" Park Zhihao almost looked at Li Qiuxian in pain. He couldn't believe it: "Mom, you lied to me! You're not that kind of person! You have loved me very much since I was a child. I believe you are not that kind of person! What's more, I found you were crying when I entered the door just now. Can you tell me why you are crying? Is it because Dad's death is a big blow to you? And if you are really a murderer, how can you be so badly hit that you are bedridden? "

"I'm bedridden not because of your father, but because I'm getting older and older, so my health is getting worse and worse. All this has nothing to do with your father's death! I caused your father's death. Although I am not very happy, I am not sad for his death. He is responsible for all this! " Li Qiuxian looked at PU Zhihao angrily, with a little anger in his eyes, and said to him.

Park Zhihao looked at Li Qiuxian with great disappointment. How could he not believe what he heard from Li Qiuxian's mouth here! He looked at Li Qiuxian faintly and said to her, "no! Just now you were holding on to my clothes and trying to tell some unknown truth. Why did you suddenly go back on your mind when the answer came out? Mom, is it because Yinyu is here that you can't talk? If that's the case, I can get her out of here for a while. Mom, as long as you tell the truth, say your helplessness and grievance, I am willing to help you and find the best lawyer to exonerate you! Mom, was it forced on you, not on your own initiative? " Park Zhihao was very excited to look at Li Qiuxian, the throat knot in the deep neck trembled, and felt extremely worried about this matter.

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