"Yinyu, in your eyes, is your father really a good man? And the foster mother in your mouth, is she really good to you? " Li Qiuxian looked at the gold and silver jade with some suspicious eyes. On the one hand, she is expecting Jin Yinyu to say "yes". In this way, as long as her father and adoptive mother treat her well, Li Qiuxian will be satisfied. On the other hand, she doesn't want jinyinyu to answer "yes", because if she answers "yes", it means that her animal father and adoptive mother are much better than her biological mother! So, she looked at the gold and silver jade with a very expectant look, waiting for her answer.

"Of course! Li Qiuxian, what do you mean by asking this question? " Jin Yinyu suddenly became alert to Li Qiuxian. She looked at Li Qiuxian with some defensive eyes, and felt that she didn't seem to have a good heart. Jin Yinyu said seriously to Li Qiuxian, "Li Qiuxian, I warn you that I will not allow you to use this insulting language to describe my parents. It's hard for my father to earn money and support his family. It's hard for him to help me finish my best education by putting in such a big family business. And my adoptive mother, oh no, my mother, she not only forgave her father's suffering of being seduced by you, but also accepted me, the daughter born to her. From then on, she regarded me as her own, took care of me diligently and raised me up. My mother suffered a great mental shock because of you. She often told me that she had already had my daughter, and she would never have another one because she was afraid that if she had a child, that child would take away the love that should have belonged to my parents. So, my mother has always chosen to sacrifice herself for me and this family. Li Qiuxian, you, a woman who just gave birth to her own daughter, has no right to speak ill of my hard-working father and selfless mother here? " Jin Yinyu looked at Li Qiuxian excitedly. She could hardly restrain her inner excitement. She hated the man who was clearly a villain who abandoned her children, but who not only played pity on her, but also slandered her parents.

Looking at jinyinyu's extremely injured expression, Li Qiuxian knew that at this moment, no matter what she said in front of jinyinyu, it would be a futile effort. She knew that in the heart of jinyinyu, 18 years of nurturing grace, 18 years of education and influence are always better than her biological mother. Since she always thinks that her parents are good people in her heart, Li Qiuxian really hopes that jinyinyu's adoptive mother will treat her sincerely. But Li Qiuxian clearly knew that Jin Jinyu's father at that time was determined to cheat her. He not only cheated her people, her feelings, but also cheated her a lot of money. At that time, Jin Dingxin was still in a small business. He had a wife Shen An'an, whom he loved deeply but was unable to conceive. Jin Dingxin's love for Shen An is too deep. When Shen An'an repeatedly claimed that she could not get pregnant and asked for a divorce with Jin Dingxin, Jin Dingxin refused to divorce, but had to adopt a child.

However, to Jin Dingxin's surprise, Shen An, who is considerate, does not agree to adopt a child. She hopes that Jin Dingxin can have a child of her own. Therefore, she suggested that Jin Dingxin should look for a beautiful woman outside and try every means to make her pregnant and then give birth to the child.

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