"Well!" Li Qiuxian nodded and fell in the arms of Jin Dingxin. However, when Jin Dingxin hugged her, she didn't find the extremely proud smile on her face. The smile, which the discerning eye can see at a glance, is not a happy smile for the beauty, but a smile for the bad things. At that time, Jin Ding knew in his heart that he seemed to be about to become a rich man. As long as he thought of this, his heart was filled with excitement. He looked up at the ceiling and knew that Li Qiuxian's villa was no less than one million yuan. Therefore, the corners of his mouth always rose slightly, and he was happy to find such a beautiful future for himself. So, as long as Li Qiuxian gives birth to the child, then, he has everything. At present, Jin is determined to tell himself that if he can bear it for a few more months, everything will be full of sunshine when the baby is born!

Li Qiuxian immediately gave the real estate certificate to Jin Dingxin and asked him to find a good seller and sell it at a good price.

Jin Dingxin seems to have taken over the house property certificate in good faith. He swore to Li Qiuxian: "Qiuxian, when I sell my house and buy a good villa, write your name on it, we will get married!"

"Good!" Li Qiuxian looked at Jin Dingxin that pair of potential in must get the appearance, the heart was suddenly full of moving. However, she entered a long waiting period. One day, two days, one month, two months Jin Dingxin never gave the so-called new house to her.

Li Qiuxian lives in Jin Dingxin's dilapidated old house. In addition to water and electricity, there is a worn-out bed and several worn-out furniture. It seems that there is nothing valuable. She lived with the broken house all day, and Jin Dingxin seldom came to see her. When he calls Jin Dingxin, he always says that he is busy, either in business or in selling his house. It's just that business is never going to be good, and it's hard to find a suitable buyer for the house.

"Well Let's not sell the house for the time being. Let's get married, and then we can sell our house and buy a new one when we have the right buyer, OK? " Li Qiuxian almost begged for the tone of Jin Dingxin said.

"How can that be? Don't your neighbors know that I am a man who depends on women Jin Dingxin got angry on the other end of the phone, "I'm a man, how can I let others look down on me like this?"

"What shall we do Li Qiuxian couldn't make up her mind. Since Jin is determined not to get married right away, she seems to be in a daze and can't find any good way to solve the current embarrassment. So she had to ask Jin Dingxin for help.

"Qiuxian, let's not worry. Now that I've decided to marry you, I'm determined to do what I say and never regret. " Jin Dingxin still vowed, "but Qiu Xian, since we are going to get married, I will definitely give you a beautiful wedding. All people who know you will know that it is absolutely right that you Li Qiuxian marries me Jin Dingxin. You will be very lucky if you are with me! I want your friends and girlfriends to envy you. I want you to be the happiest woman in the world! I want you to be proud of being able to marry me

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