"What are you talking about?" Li Qiuxian couldn't believe what she had heard! She felt that she must be dreaming! So she widened her eyes and looked at Jin Dingxin and said, "did I hear you correctly? You said You said I beg your pardon? What is irrelevant? Didn't we say we'd get married after we had the baby? "

"Li Qiuxian." Jin Dingxin looked at Li Qiuxian indifferently and said to her, "I have already said what I should have said just now. I helped you pay for the hospital, paid for the nurse for a month, and I think I've done everything I should and can do. As for the future, I sincerely hope you can have a good life

"Calm down, what do you mean by that?" Bean big tears fell from Li Qiuxian's eyes. She couldn't believe what she had heard. So she said to Kim, "calm down, what do you mean? Explain it to me! "

"I'll take the baby. You have done a lot of good work. I have to thank you for giving me such a beautiful daughter. " Jin looked at Li Qiuxian coldly and said to her, "don't worry, I'll take her home and take care of it with my wife. And my wife is a very good woman, so she will naturally regard her as her own. You can rest assured. By the way, you can also rest assured that your villa has been sold for a very good price. After buying a new villa, there are even hundreds of thousands of surplus. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the child's raising and her future. I think I have made myself clear enough? "

"What are you talking about?" Li Qiuxian immediately felt a group of black in front of her, she could not believe all this, "what do you say? Jin Dingxin, do you mean you have a wife

Jin Dingxin's hand is still holding the child steadily. He nodded coldly, too lazy to say one more word.

"Take my child away? The child I gave birth to will be yours and your wife from now on? " Li Qiuxian bit her teeth and asked.

"Yes." Jin Dingxin's face drooped and the word was revealed mercilessly in his mouth.

"You dream!" Li Qiuxian looked hard at Jin Dingxin and said to Jin Dingxin, "Jin Dingxin, you want to be beautiful! This is my baby! You take my money, and now you want to take my child, it's a dream

"You can't help it." Jin Dingxin said to Li Qiuxian, "the child is in my hand now. Can you help me? I must take the baby away today. If you know what you're looking for, I'll allow you to secretly stand in the distance to see the children in the future. If you don't know your face, then you will never see your daughter

"Jin Ding Xin, you!" Li Qiuxian looked at Jin Dingxin with deep grief and said, "if you do this, don't you fear retribution?"

"Retribution?" Jin took a glance at Li Qiuxian and said to her, "I don't know what retribution is not retribution. I only know that as long as I have a daughter, my wife will not divorce me, and I will not have a bad marriage. As for the rest, I don't care

"Jin Dingxin, you are not a man! What you hold in your hand is your own daughter Li Qiuxian roared at Jin Dingxin crazily. Her body trembled and her voice was almost hoarse.

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