"Born?" Jin Yinyu looked at Li Qiuxian suspiciously and said to her.

Li Qiuxian looked at the gold and silver jade very seriously. Her eyes almost fell out of her eyes. She nodded to her head earnestly and constantly, full of expectation for the child.

"It just satisfies the joy of your children and grandchildren, and makes up for the guilt you caused to me, right?" Jinyinyu couldn't help but let out a sneer from her nose and said to Li Qiuxian, "you are totally for your own comfort. Have you ever thought about my feelings? Do you think about my future? I don't want to delay my good acting career because of any problems

"Silver jade, you..." Li Qiuxian suddenly felt that gold, silver and jade seemed strange. She looked at the face of gold and silver jade that look forward to the future of performing arts, can not help but feel sad and disappointed with her. She said to Jin Yinyu, "Yinyu, are you willing to take away the child in your stomach?" Li Qiuxian side said, unexpectedly at the same time began to cry silently. She suddenly remembered that when she was pregnant with gold, silver and jade, she could not get Jin's proposal. He was always trying to avoid marrying her. However, she had been lying to herself and looking for various reasons for him. Until she gave birth to the child, Jin Dingxin completely exposed her true face and made her collapse. At this time, she could not help thinking.

"Willing? Of course not. However, we have to give up. " Jin Yinyu's eyes were red, and she said to Li Qiuxian, "I have never been taken care of by my own mother since I was a child. I don't want my children to be like me. Since childhood, there is no love that a normal family should have."

"Silver jade. Do you hate me Li Qiuxian said to Jin Yinyu. She thought about the words of gold, silver and jade, as if she had grasped some key point. So she looked at the gold and silver jade carefully and asked, "is Shen An'an bad for you?"

Jinyinyu shook her head: "No. She was very kind to me. But - so good that it doesn't look like my mother. "

"Silver jade!" Li Qiuxian suddenly felt extremely distressed for jinyinyu. She looked at the gold and silver jade with tears in her eyes and said to her, "I'm sorry, it's all mother's fault. My mother promised you that she would never let you suffer again. She would protect you. By the way, I still don't understand what you said just now. Is Zhihao unwilling to marry you, so you feel that children can't get the complete love of a family? If so, Zhihao is my son. I can say that he is, and I can help him make decisions and let him marry you. Yinyu, you don't need to worry about these, really. And I can see that Zhihao really loves you, and he has been filial since he was a child, so persuading him to marry you is a piece of cake for me. You don't need to worry about it

"No. Zhihao, of course, is willing to marry me. " Jin Yinyu looked at Li Qiuxian and said to her, "it's me. I've already said that I'm going to film. I can't give up my bright future for the sake of my children's love. Now Zhihao is the president of yanmiao group, but I am nothing. If I get married again and have children, I am willing to be a housewife instead of fighting for what I like. I think Zhihao will soon abandon me even if I am married, because a housewife obviously has no ability to attract men. And I'm only eighteen. "

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