"Mom." When Li Qiuxian looked at the gold and silver jade with a pair of affectionate looks, the gold silver jade unexpectedly thought to strike while the iron is hot! So she seized the opportunity and said to Li Qiuxian, "Mom, I want to ask you something. I don't know if it's OK."

"What's the matter?" Li Qiuxian looked at the gold and silver jade with great care and was full of love for her daughter who was finally willing to recognize her. At this moment, not to mention one thing, even if it is a hundred things, she is also happy! So, Li Qiuxian said quickly, "silver jade, you are the mother's daughter, what do you have, it's proper for your mother to help you, don't say what you ask for or not."

"I think Now that I'm already in America, I'd like to ask you for a house. " Jin Yinyu said to Li Qiuxian calmly.

"House?" For the house this matter, Li Qiuxian or have some fear, after all, she once gave Jin Dingxin house, but not only did not get good returns, and the end is quite miserable. However, gold and silver are gold and silver, gold and silver jade is gold and silver jade, men are naturally cruel, and Yinyu is still an 18-year-old girl, let alone her own daughter! What's more, she just wants to get a place to live in. Li Qiuxian thinks that it is reasonable for a daughter to ask her mother for a house from so many houses. What's more, Li Qiuxian has never been a mother in the past 18 years! Therefore, Li Qiuxian felt that she should give the house to Jin Yinyu. So she pretended to take a serious look at jinyinyu and said to her, "Yinyu, do you want to change a real estate just by saying 'mother'? Is it too easy? You just recognized your mother and asked her for a house? In the future, will not all my mother's property be taken away? "

Although Li Qiuxian was obviously joking when she spoke, she felt guilty! She was suddenly frightened and said to Li Qiuxian, "no No, I'm I'm just saying it casually. If you don't want to, forget it, when I don't say anything Jin Yinyu said to Li Qiuxian nervously, her face full of unhappiness. Even though she tried her best to restrain herself from being so unhappy, she couldn't restrain herself.

"Well, mom's teasing you!" All of a sudden, Li Qiuxian burst out laughing. She couldn't help feeling that jinyinyu was still a child. She couldn't help being scared. Just such a sentence, can frighten her a Leng a Leng, it seems, gold and silver jade than she imagined more simple. So Li Qiuxian suddenly gave a gentle smile, looked at the gold and silver jade carefully, and said to her, "it's just a real estate. It's too easy for mom to do it. Where do you want the house? Is it American? Where do you want to live in the United States, do you want to live with your mother, or go to Los Angeles, or do you want to buy a new house to live with you so that we can take care of each other? "

Li Qiuxian such thoughtful questions, suddenly let gold and silver jade stunned! She didn't expect that Li Qiuxian should agree so readily!

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