"Silver jade." At this time, Li Qiuxian took gold and silver jade's hand and came to her desk. She took out a bunch of keys from the drawer and handed them to her. She said, "this is the house I bought near your school. The environment there is very good, the interior decoration of the house is also good, the house is about 200 square meters, not particularly large. Compared with here, it can't be compared. If you live alone, make do with it. Anyway, it's close to your school. If you want to continue to study, it's not impossible. Or, you can take a year off from school, and then go back to school after the baby is born... "

"All right." When Jin Yinyu heard that Li Qiuxian wanted her to go back to study, jinyinyu suddenly didn't want to listen to it any more. So, she quickly interrupted Li Qiuxian's words, while taking the key from her hand, she said to her, "thank you."

"You child, how did you thank again?" Li Qiuxian did not have any displeasure to jinyinyu's interruption, but felt some pressure on her "thank you".

"Well I'll go back with Zhihao first. " After Jin Yinyu got the key, her mind was on the house. It seemed that she couldn't listen to Li Qiuxian's words.

Li Qiuxian suddenly looked at the gold, silver and jade with some sadness in her heart. Is this kid really just coming for the house? So she immediately wanted to go to her own house after she got the key. She didn't like her mother at all, didn't like to be with her, or even like her manor? Li Qiuxian felt a little puzzled and looked at the gold and silver jade. Looking at the smile on her face, she felt deeply lost.

"You and Zhihao..." Li Qiuxian looked at the gold and silver jade and said to her, "can you find a house by yourself? Otherwise, I will accompany you to see the house. I'm afraid you can't find it

"It doesn't matter. Isn't there a pickaxe?" Jin Yinyu said to Li Qiuxian, "can't Zhihao have never been to your house?"

"Go to After... " Li Qiuxian stammered. In fact, she just wanted to stay with jinyinyu for a while, but she didn't expect that she could not find a suitable reason to go with them at the moment. She looked at the gold and silver jade and said reluctantly, "well Well, be careful on your way. "

"Well." Jin Yinyu held the key tightly. She looked at Li Qiuxian and said, "that Can you find a good day to write my name on the property certificate of that house? I think if there is a place for me, I can feel more at ease. "

"Good!" Li Qiuxian did not hesitate to agree to jinyinyu, although she still had thousands of doubts in her heart and doubted the real purpose of jinyinyu. But who is jinyinyu her own daughter? Li Qiuxian has no resistance to her at all. In addition, the relationship between her and Zhihao was already like this. Even if she had any ulterior attempts, she thought, Zhihao would help to shock her. Therefore, Li Qiuxian no longer asked. She has a lot of houses. At most, she lost the smallest house in all her houses. It's not a big pity. If she could not meet the requirements of jinyinyu at this time, Li Qiuxian thought that she would feel very regretful.

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