To Lucy's surprise, Tanaka Chunichi was not angry. Instead, he comforted him seriously: "my dear Miss Lucy, I swear to you that with your face, you are qualified for our company's artists. However, I promise you, as long as you can control your weight within 50 kg one day, you will definitely appear in our company as an artist. Come on, Lucy With that, Tanaka Chunyi gives Lucy a perfect smile.

Lucy never thought that Chunyi Tanaka had made such a promise to her! It just made Lucy jump! She jumped up so excited that she accidentally knocked over the lamp in the process of jumping.

Tian Zhongchun looks at Lucy with very gentle eyes and smiles. He didn't show displeasure, but laughed and said to himself, "what a lovely girl." And then he said to Lucy, "I look after you, girl! I believe that one day, you will become the pride of our first film and television

Although Lucy doesn't understand whether Tanaka Chunyi's "will be the pride of the first film and television" means that she will lose weight and become a proud artist of the company, she has a lot of motivation in the face of the encouragement from Tanaka Chunyi! As a result, she decided that as long as the first film and television is still there, then she will always be here.

As long as you think of her own bitterness caused by obesity, Lucy suddenly becomes very helpless.

"Yes." At this time, Luo song suddenly said to Lucy, "your boss, Mr. Chunyi Tanaka and Miss Luo Xiwei are in the conference room You're not going to do anything shady? "

"Of course not." "Our boss Tanaka is a very good boss. I don't believe he will do anything shady," Lucy told Tanaka

"This You'd better not promise me. " Tanaka Chunichi is a man, so is rosang. Luo song knew that only men know men best. Therefore, he believes that unless Tanaka Chunyi thinks luoxiwei looks ugly, he will never have any idea about luoxiwei. What's more, since Tanaka Chunyi took luoxiwei away and wanted to sign her to his own flag, at least it proves that Tanaka Chunyi has some appreciation for luoxiwei. Since there is appreciation, then, when they get along alone, Luo song doesn't believe that there will be no bad ideas in Tanaka's mind! So he said to Lucy nervously, "how can you guarantee a little girl about a man?"

"I..." Lucy couldn't answer. She just believes in Tanaka Chunyi's personality in her heart, what's more, what's more, what the company needs is a female star, not his lover! So she looked at him and said, "as an employee, I believe in Mr. Tanaka."

"Well, let me know if you have windows or curtains in your meeting room." Rosang said directly to Lucy.

"Oh Lucy suddenly exclaimed with joy, "yes, yes! I Know! I Know! Our company conference room has a glass wall, outside people can see everything in the conference room! What's more, Mr. Tanaka never draws the curtain when he is in the meeting room! So, I think you're thinking a lot , the fastest update of the webnovel!