"Yes. It's been a long time. " Tian Zhongchun looked at Luo song and said to him, "I have taught myself Chinese for a month before and found that I am not very proficient in Chinese application. So I lived and studied in China for nearly two months. My kung fu pays off. I studied for three months before I could use Chinese skillfully. I have to say that your Chinese is really extensive and profound. "

"Mr. Tanaka, it seems that you are a rare talent!" Luo Song said to Tanaka Chunyi, "it is rare that we have used Chinese so skillfully in only three months. You know not only "one another" but also "a little witch sees a great witch". Even "a man with a heart who has a heart for his kung fu" can be used so well by you. Mr. Tanaka, I really doubt that you are a native Chinese. I think even the native Chinese are not as good as you, and can use our Chinese characters so properly. "

"Mr. Luo song, you seem to doubt my learning ability." Tanaka Chuichi, smiling, said to Luo song, "of course, those broad and profound ancient sayings in your country were all read in the book after three months, not in the three months when I studied Chinese. It has been about three years since I studied Chinese in China. In the past three years, I have been looking through the Chinese idiom dictionaries, famous sayings and so on almost every day. I think Chinese characters are really interesting! If I didn't have to support my family, I would like to study Chinese every day in the next few days, instead of managing my film and television company and dealing with so many people every day. It's just tiring and boring. "

"Mr. Tanaka is very sincere." After looking at Chunyi Tanaka, Luo song felt that what he said about the time spent on Chinese learning was within the scope that he could accept and understand. However, Tanaka Chunyi seemed to be very interested in Chinese, which made Luo song feel a little unbelievable. He looked at Chunyi Tanaka and asked, "Mr. Tanaka, is this Chinese really so interesting?"

"Of course "Seriously, I prefer to sign Chinese artists now, more out of my own selfishness. I want to be able to learn Chinese more easily through contact with Chinese people."

"Is it?" Luo song looks at Tanaka Chunyi with some suspicious eyes. His words still can't be fully believed. He suddenly seemed to think of something, and said to Tanaka Chunyi, "Mr. Tanaka, this topic seems to have strayed far away! What about luoxiwei? Where is luoxiwei? I want to see if she's safe now and really resting. " After a conversation with Tanaka Chunyi, Luo song finally dares to bet with himself in his heart that Tanaka Chunyi will not do those shameful things, and Luo Xiwei is mostly safe. However, he still wants to see luoxiwei. He wants to see luoxiwei safe with his own eyes, so that he can rest assured. Otherwise, for him, he did not finish the task assigned to him by park Min Ho. Luo song didn't want to lose his job for more than ten years because of Luo Xiwei's affairs.

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