“Lucy! "Luo song looked at Lucy in embarrassment and looked around. Although they are at the elevator door at the moment, there is no one around, and there is no monitoring in the corridor, but rosong still can not take this step! He thought about it carefully, and finally found another reason to give up. So he grabbed his head and said to Lucy, "Lucy, you see, I think so. Isn't it a while before the evening? I will use this time to think about how to pursue you in the evening. At least, I want to create a good atmosphere for us to have dinner together. I need to think about what I want to say to you. Then, when you promise to be my girlfriend, I will be qualified to hold you and kiss you... " As he spoke, Luo song was about to move himself. He almost felt that all this was true, not invented by him.

Just as Roxon said "kiss you," Lucy bowed her head in embarrassment. In this life, she lived to be nineteen years old, and she had never been hugged and kissed by a man, so that every time she inadvertently passed by a boy, she would feel extremely shy. She looked at Luo song, blushed and asked, "Luo song, what you said is true?"

Roxon looked at Lucy, who was very shy, though he wanted to tell her that it was all fake. However, looking at Lucy's expectant look, he thought that if he told the truth, Lucy would pester him again. So he said to Lucy, "it's true. Of course it's true. Lucy, well, since Miss Luo Xiwei is doing well and she is safe now, I will go back to our President Park Min Ho and report the specific situation to him. After I have reported the work, I will prepare how to pursue you in the evening. During this period of time, you work here and wait for me here after work. I'll pick you up. Do you think so? " Rosang said very gently to Lucy. The gentle tone of his voice almost made Lucy's heart melt.

Of course, when roson said this, he didn't look at Lucy, his eyes were always flashing, and then pretended that the person in front of him was his wife. He was imagining that he was talking to his wife, so that he could be so gentle.

"Good." As soon as Luo song's voice fell, Lucy readily agreed to him. She looked at Luo song shyly and affectionately and said to him, "then I'll wait for you here. You must come to me!" With that, Lucy couldn't help but stand on tiptoe, leaving a deep kiss on roson's forehead.

Luo song never thought that Lucy would kiss him so actively! This simply let Luo song be shocked! He stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time. Although his heart is resistant, but, have to say, this feeling is simply too wonderful, let him linger on! Looking at the lively, lovely and shy Lucy in front of her, Luo song suddenly felt that this girl was an angel given to him by God! Luo song's heart is suddenly happy to bloom!

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