"Zhi Hao, are you still stubborn?" Cheng Xuehui finally can't stand Park Zhihao protecting jinyinyu so much. Even though he has confirmed that jinyinyu doesn't love him so much, he still protects her like that! This makes Cheng Xuehui puzzled.

"Cheng Xuehui, where did you get this recording? no I will never believe it is true! " Park Zhihao stumbled in front of Cheng Xuehui. He didn't believe it all! He pointed to her with red eyes and said to her in a loud voice, "Cheng Xuehui, you are a liar!"

"It's gold, silver and jade and Li Qiuxian who cheat people, not me Cheng Xuehui looked at Park Zhihao helplessly and said to him, "Zhihao, don't you believe this recording? Is this not the voice of gold, silver and jade and Li Qiuxian? "

"But where did you get all this?" Exclaimed Park Zhihao. He felt as if he had been seriously cheated. He would rather not know if he could. At this moment, he felt isolated. Park Zhentian died, his favorite father died, and his most trusted mother and favorite woman Jin Yinyu cheated and concealed some facts from him, which made Park Zhihao feel frustrated. He roared heartrendingly, in agony.

"Zhihao, this is really the dialogue between Li Qiuxian and jinyinyu in Li Qiuxian's villa today." Cheng Xuehui is a little calm, she looked at Park Zhihao such a sad look, heart can not help but pity.

"Say it! How did you get here? " Park Zhihao suddenly looked at Cheng Xuehui fiercely and said to her.

"It's me." Cheng Xuehui said to park Zhihao without expression, "I sent someone to secretly put the recording pen in Li Qiuxian's room."

"Cheng Xuehui, how could you..." Park Zhihao said to Cheng Xuehui angrily, "you actually do such a thing! It's immoral, don't you know? "

"More than immorality!" Cheng Xuehui sneered and said to Pu Zhihao, "it's illegal! However, if I didn't secretly put the recording pen in Li Qiuxian's bedroom, when would you have to wait to find out the real identity of Jin Yinyu? When can we see through the true features of gold, silver and jade? "

"No!" Park Zhihao still couldn't believe that jinyinyu was that kind of person. He said to Cheng Xuehui in a loud voice, "Yinyu is definitely not like that! There must have been something she had to do! It must be! "

"Zhihao, didn't you hear clearly just now?" Cheng Xuehui helplessly held up the recording pen and said to park Zhihao, "just now jinyinyu has made it very clear that she will not love you as much as you love him. She does not even want your children. If you want to be a woman, do you want to love her? Don't be cheated by her soft and weak appearance. She doesn't love you at all. Zhihao, you don't want to be with jinyinyu. She can do it if she wants to do it. I will give birth to our child and let him grow up healthily and happily. The three of us will live happily ever after, OK Cheng Xuehui said, while embracing her soft body into Park Zhihao's arms, her head completely on Park Zhihao's shoulder.

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