When Park Zhihao returned to the villa, he was surprised to find that his mobile phone had never thought about it! He couldn't help thinking in his heart, did Yinyu really not love him at all? So long as he left here, she didn't think about where he went, didn't worry about him, didn't make a phone call to him? Or, after all this time, gold, silver and jade have not found that he has left here, and has not even taken a bath? However, park Zhihao thought about it and thought it was almost impossible! It's almost two hours since I left here! No matter how slow Jin Yinyu takes a bath, it won't take two hours? Park Zhihao didn't even think about it. He went straight to the bedroom with the door slightly open.

Sure enough, jinyinyu is lying in bed, eating potato chips leisurely and watching TV carefully!

"Silver jade." Park Zhihao looked at jinyinyu and felt a little guilty about what happened between him and Cheng Xuehui. However, he was still very upset about what Jin Yinyu said in the recording.

"Where did you go just now?" While eating potato chips carelessly, Jin Yinyu said to Pu Zhihao.

"I..." Park Zhihao thought about it and said to Jin Yinyu, "I was not in a good mood just now, so I went out for a walk."

"Where have you been?" Jin Yinyu continued to eat potato chips with relish and said to park Zhihao, "has it been so long?"

"Just walk around." Park Zhihao said to Jin Yinyu. As he spoke, he walked to the edge of the bed, and then climbed into the bed!

Jin Yinyu was caught off guard by park Zhihao's action. She threw all the chips on the ground and screamed!

"Silver jade, what's the matter with you?" Park Zhihao looked at the gold and silver jade and said to her.

Unexpectedly, jinyinyu not only did not stop shouting, but began to dance wildly with both hands like crazy, and tried hard to push Pu Zhihao away.

Seeing that park Zhihao was about to be pushed under the bed by gold, silver and jade, park Zhihao finally couldn't help shouting out: "silver jade, what's the matter with you?" He yelled as he tried to hold her.

"Don't touch me!" After struggling with gold, silver and jade, Pu Zhihao finally fell to the ground.

"Silver jade!" While holding back the pain, Pu Zhihao rubbed his injured back and said to her, "Yinyu, am I scaring you?"

"A pickaxe." At this moment, jinyinyu's tears did not listen to the flow out, she looked sad, tears streaming. She said to park Zhihao, "Zhihao, tell me honestly where you were just now?"

"I I'm not going anywhere Park Zhihao argued, thinking whether gold, silver and jade knew anything. So he said to Jin Yinyu, "I'm just alone. I feel a little bored, so I walk downstairs. Yinyu, are you afraid of staying alone in such a big house without me just now Park Zhihao's voice was so gentle that even he could not believe that he could become so gentle. Is it because you know that you made a mistake just now that you suddenly become so gentle? Pu Zhihao even began to think and analyze his own problems.

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