"Mr. Tanaka..." Ning Xin is still hesitating. She looks at Tanaka Chunyi with puzzled eyes. She still can't believe it. She looks at the man who once looked like a giant in her mind with some innocent eyes, and says to him, "this Mr. Tanaka, it's not likely, is it? You used to be an international superstar, and I It's just I'm not even an 18 line artist. I'm just a student who doesn't have anything... "

"No!" Tanaka Chunyi looked at Ning Xin firmly and said to her, "who says you have nothing? What you don't have is just money and career. And you have a lot. You have health, your body has a different vitality, you have an angel's face and devil's body, your heart love and hate clearly. Moreover, because you are a student, I see the incomparable simplicity in you. Miss Park Yunmin, you are simply the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The beauty of appearance and the beauty of mind are combined into one, which is perfect

"Mr. Tanaka." Ningxin looks at Chunyi Tanaka with some embarrassment. She frowns and pouts her lips slightly. Then, she looked at Chunyi Tanaka with questioning eyes and said, "how can I be as good as you describe? Mr. Tanaka, you are flattering me. I I'm not really that good. Just now, I was still scolding others in your company. In fact, no matter whether Luo Xiwei really betrayed me or not, it was all between me and her. And I ran to your company to make a big fuss. It was really me who was wrong and I was not good. I'm sorry, Mr. Tanaka Ning Xin apologizes to Tanaka Chunyi very seriously, and feels guilty in her heart.

"Miss Park Yunmin." Tanaka Chunyi smiles and is more satisfied with Ningxin. He nodded and said to Ning Xin with a smile, "I'll tell you, you are a good girl. What's more, it may not be that you are wrong. You are also the victim. It is your boyfriend who betrayed you. So, I can understand your mood. Why don't I have a similar experience with you? You and I are in the same boat. "

"Has Mr. Tanaka been betrayed by his beloved?" Ning Xin blinked suddenly and looked at Chunyi Tanaka very seriously. She asked with a strong spirit of exploration.

The expression on Tanaka Chunyi's face seems to be a little complicated, and Ning Xin doesn't seem to understand it at all. However, after a while, Tanaka Chun laughed helplessly, then sighed, gently shook his head, and said to Ning Xin, "let's talk about this. That's all in the past. Think of it, it is the most painful memory in my heart! It's the biggest ordeal of my life. Of course, I don't mean to say that the other party is bad, and I don't mean to blame her. Just, I have paid too much and lost too much in the past love, so, that feeling almost affected my later life, so I almost did not believe in love. Until - I met you. " Tanaka Chunyi said deeply, his eyes seriously staring at Ningxin, always see her eyes.

"Until Met me? " Looking at Tian Chunyi, she is shocked!

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