It was soon after work in the evening. After a day's filming, Luo Xiwei felt a little tired. However, she still felt very happy. She knew so many friends and made so many plays. She felt that she had a good day. She yawned wearily, wondering how she should go back, walking or taking a taxi? Will you go back alone or with Lucy? However, she looked around for Lucy, but she never saw her figure.

"Miss rothiway." It was just then that John came up to her and said to her with a smile, "are you looking for someone? Who are you looking for? "

"Oh, director John." Roxie nodded politely to John and said, "I'm looking for Lucy. I'm in a room with her. We're roommates. So I was thinking, would you like to go back with her. But I don't seem to see her, and I can't find her

"I think you can keep the change." "Lucy's working hours are normal during the day," John told her. But now, what time do you think it is? Lucy must have gone back. "

Luo Xiwei looked up at the big clock in front of the wall. It showed that it was near ten o'clock in the evening. Luo Xiwei put away her expectant look at Lucy and laughed at herself. Then she said to John, "Yeah, it's almost ten o'clock. Thank you, director John. "

"You're welcome." John and Roxie went downstairs together, and then John went downstairs to push his bicycle. "Before I go home, I have to go to the supermarket and buy some food for tomorrow's table. After all, I have a friend's party tomorrow. My wife is at home alone. I don't want her to be too tired. If I help her share some, she will be more relaxed. So, I'm sorry I can't take you home. Otherwise, I can give you a ride

"Thank you, director John." Luo Xiwei smiles shyly, grateful and moved by John's words. Gratitude is for John's good, because he wants to take a ride on the new actor. She was moved because she felt that John was a good man. He went to the production team early in the morning and left work so late at night. After work, she had to be responsible for his family and do some shopping and other things. He was so considerate of his wife that she could not help but respect him! In luoxiwei's memory, it seems that all she heard are examples of how Americans are open to the outside world. But she really didn't expect that Americans can be so considerate and care for their families! At least, John is such a good man! All of a sudden, she had a good feeling for the Americans. It turns out that Americans are not as irresponsible as she once thought. As a result, Luo Xiwei felt that her eyes suddenly became bright! She said to John with a smile, "director John, you are such a good man. You are so talented and considerate. I think your wife must be a very happy woman. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!