"All right, then." Tanaka Chunyi is no longer afraid of delaying his work. Looking at the way Ning Xin wants to be close to him, his heart is sweeter than honey. Looking at Ningxin so happy off the appearance, Tanaka Chunyi also felt that he was a lot younger. He comforted himself and said, "walking is good. It's just time to exercise. I don't have much time to walk."

"Let's go, then." Ningxin said, while pulling Tanaka Chunyi, quickly to the downstairs.

At this moment, it's already the working time in the afternoon. Luo Xiwei and several actors of the crew are quickly involved in the battle under the call of director John. Although these things happened in the morning worried Luo Xiwei, and there was a deep fear in her heart. However, now that she has started her work in the afternoon, Luo Xiwei tells herself that she must forget the unhappiness as soon as possible. Only in this way can she better devote herself to the shooting in the afternoon.

However, this day is destined to be a eventful day. Just after the first scene was finished, Luo Xiwei was ready to throw herself into the second scene. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the door!

"Is your boss here?" Outside the door suddenly stood a beautiful woman full of temperament! Her face seemed delicate, her hair was fashionable, and her lips were red and attractive. However, she wore a pair of sunglasses with big lenses, and no one could see who she was. Her figure looks almost perfect, the only drawback is that her abdomen seems to have some fat, but this does not affect her overall beauty!

Luo Xiwei thought that this woman was very beautiful, and found a kind of Oriental verve in this woman, which made her feel a kind of long lost cordiality! But when she looked up and looked at her carefully, she didn't recognize who she was. She only felt that her voice sounded familiar, but because the other side spoke English, she couldn't tell who the other person was. However, the familiar feeling of flying has never left Luo Xiwei's side.

"Our boss is not in." At this time, Lucy, who had come to work on the twelfth floor, welcomed her and said to the woman, "Miss, who are you looking for? Our boss went to dinner. I'm the Secretary of Chunyi Tanaka, our boss. If you have anything to consult, you can find me, and I'll tell our boss for you. "

"Then I'll wait here for a moment." The woman sat down on the chair beside her casually, with no expression on her face. However, Luo Xiwei always felt that the woman's body was facing her, and her eyes seemed to be looking at her! Although far away from the sunglasses, but Luo Xiwei has a feeling of discomfort, there is a feeling of being watched!

Lucy saw that the woman had been staring at Luo Xiwei, and she said with a smile, "that's our company's artist, miss luoxiwei. What can I do for you, madam? Well, this is the set. They are filming. It's too noisy here. I'm afraid it will disturb you. Why don't I take you to the meeting room downstairs for a while? It's quieter there. And if you have any questions for me, I think it's more convenient in the conference room than here. "

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