"Disgusting!" Although Tanaka Chunyi's words are obviously to refuse to let Ning Xin go in. But, have to admit, Tanaka Chunyi's words, but let Ning Xin's heart happy open flowers. After all, Tanaka Chunyi admitted her irreplaceable position in his mind! As long as Ning Xin is around him, his attention is all on Ning Xin, and he can't even work! This makes Ning Xin feel extra happy! Even though she knew that this might be a pretext to deceive her and make her happy, it was strange that Ning Xin was still very happy. She looked at Junichiro Tanaka very reluctantly and said to him, "well All right! I'll wait at the door of the meeting room and wait for you to come out at any time. "

"You'd better watch them filming here." Tian Zhongchun said to Ning Xin.

"No Ning Xin sprinkled Jiao, said to Tanaka Chunyi, "I just want to wait for you at the door of the conference room."

"All right, then." Tanaka Chunyi felt helpless. He sighed softly and said to Ning Xin, "come on then."

Ning Xin cheerfully follows Tanaka Chunyi, laughing happily. She made up her mind to stare at Tanaka Chunyi, not to let Cheng Xuehui have any chance to seduce him!

Tianzhong Chunyi finally takes Cheng Xuehui to the door of the meeting room. Just before entering the meeting room, Cheng Xuehui looks at Ning Xin with some worry.

"Don't worry! Yunmin is on the 11th floor, and I have arranged some work for her. She does not participate in our discussion or enter the meeting room. " Tian Zhongchun said to Cheng Xuehui.

The expression on Cheng Xuehui's face just slightly stretches. Then she pushed the door slowly and entered the meeting room.

Tanaka Chunyi took a serious look at Ning Xin and said to her, "if you are really worried, there is monitoring next door, you can go to see it. It's just that you can only see people, you can't hear voices. " Then, Tanaka Chun entered the conference room.

Ning Xin's heart just like a stone fell to the ground. Since Chunyi Tanaka told her that she was under surveillance, it seems that he is completely confident in his own behavior, and he is completely open to Ning Xin. Ning Xin thinks that since Tanaka Chunyi has already regarded himself as his own person, he doesn't want to deliberately hide anything from her. Then, of course, she didn't have to watch the surveillance.

So Ning Xin sat down at the front desk not far from the stairs. That was Lucy's seat.

"Mr. Tanaka." Cheng Xuehui seems to feel something. She smiles, looks outside and says to Tanaka Chunyi, "is that little girl your girlfriend? She seems to have a tight grip on you. She will follow you at a meeting. "

"Is it?" Tanaka Chun couldn't help laughing, "if you really want to follow me at the meeting, I'm really honored. It shows that she cares about me and is afraid to lose me

See Tianzhong Chunyi so protect his girlfriend, Cheng Xuehui also dare not say anything more. She looked at Chunyi Tanaka seriously and tentatively said to him, "Mr. Tanaka, I don't know Do you know me? "

Tanaka Chunyi carefully looked at Cheng Xuehui, and the similar feeling still lingered on him. However, he could not remember who she was and where they had met. He really couldn't remember! Therefore, Tian Zhongchun and Cheng Xuehui said: "I am to you There is always a similar feeling, but But I can't remember... "

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