"Yunmin, isn't it rude of you to do this?" Ning Xin's "shut up" annoys Tanaka Chunyi. Tanaka Chunyi can see that Cheng Xuehui is very sincere in talking to Ning Xin. However, Ning Xin treats Cheng Xuehui with such an attitude, which makes Tianzhong Chunyi feel annoyed.

"Tanaka!" Ning Xin was so angry that she stamped her feet and pointed to Cheng Xuehui and said to him, "can't you see it? She did it on purpose! She's tempting you

"Yunmin, what do you say?" Tanaka Chunyi looks at Ning Xin with some dissatisfaction, and is disappointed with her unruly willfulness. He looked at Ning Xin and said to her, "I just signed the contract with Miss Cheng. She was a little hypoglycemic just now. She didn't stop when she got up from the chair. I went up and helped her. Yunmin, please don't think about it, OK? In this way, you first accused Luo Xiwei of robbing your boyfriend. Now you say that Miss Cheng, who has just come to our company to sign a contract, seduces me. You will make people think that you have delusion of persecution! "

"Delusion of persecution?" Ning Xin hated these words to the bone! She looked at Chunyi Tanaka with indignant eyes and said to him, "you say I have delusion of persecution? Well, that's almost what you think of me? Do you just trust others, not your girlfriend? Why can't you really believe me? Luo Xiwei seduced my ex boyfriend, and has succeeded, this is a firm fact! But now, this Cheng Xuehui attempts to seduce you, I have already seen, is this still false?! Do you all think that I am easy to bully, so I play with my feelings so that I get hurt again and again?! Tanaka! I admit, although at the beginning I promised to be your girlfriend, there was a little bit, I didn't love you, but because of the terms I exchanged with you. But now, at noon, aren't we having a good time? Is it that our feelings have not been a qualitative sublimation? Tanaka, shouldn't you trust your girlfriend? "

"Yunmin!" Tanaka Chunyi said to Ning Xin, "it's not that I don't believe you. It's just Yunmin, maybe you are too sensitive. There is really nothing between Miss Cheng and me. If you don't believe it, you can go next door and watch the surveillance. I've done a good job with Tanaka Chun. I'm not afraid of the earth

"You Ning Xin is really angry at Tanaka Chunyi's words. She said to Tanaka Chunyi, "that's very nice of you! You just know that the computer can only see half of the conference room, so you deliberately told me that there is monitoring, right? It's because you know, even if I go to watch the surveillance, I can't see what you're doing at the other end of the conference table, so you can confidently tell me that there's surveillance, right? In fact, nothing can be seen in the monitor room! "

"What?" Tanaka Chunyi looked at Ningxin very anxiously and said to her, "what can't you see in the monitoring room?"?! Why didn't you say it earlier? " With that, Tanaka Chunyi strove to the monitoring room.

Ning Xin is a little confused, so! She doesn't know why Tanaka Chunichi pretends to be like this! It is clearly his intention. Why should he pretend to be innocent?

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