Cheng Xuehui is embarrassed by Ning Xin's words. She stares at Ning Xin, sheepishly scratched her head, looks at Ning Xin, and looks at Tanaka Chunyi in a daze and says, "ah? Oh Yeah We used to I don't know... "

Ningxin looked at Cheng Xuehui contemptuously. She had already given Cheng Xuehui countless scorn in her heart. Instead of paying too much attention to Cheng Xuehui, she looked at Chunyi Tanaka and said to him, "Tanaka, what if I don't apologize to her? What can you do? "

"If you don't apologize to her." Tanaka Chunyi thought about it and said to Ning Xin, "naturally, I can't help you."

"Since you know you can't do anything to me, why do you have to press hard?" Ningxin said to Chunyi Tanaka.

"But, you will let me feel very disappointed, your position in my mind, will plummet." Tanaka Chunyi looked at Ningxin seriously and said to her, "Ningxin, I hope you are a perfect person in my heart, with a perfect image, not It's not the kind of people who don't know what's right and what's wrong, it's not the kind of person who's going to let people down... "

"Sorry, Tanaka." Ning Xin looked at Chunyi Tanaka and said to him, "well, today, I may let you down." With that, Ning Xin left without looking back.

Tanaka Chunyi looks at Ningxin's back in silence and sighs heavily. He shook his head helplessly, and his heart was filled with despair.

"Don't be disappointed with her, Mr. Tanaka." At this time, Cheng Xuehui said to Tanaka Chunyi with a smile. She looked very understanding. She looked beautiful. She went on to say to Tanaka Chunyi, "Miss Park Yunmin is still young, and it is right to have a little temper. If a young girl like her had no temper at all, she might not be so cute. It is because of such childishness that she seems so lovely, isn't she? I think Mr. Tanaka must like Miss Park Yunmin's loveliness. "

Cheng Xuehui's words just finished, Tanaka Chunyi finally very relaxed smile! He really did not expect that Cheng Xuehui's measurement has far exceeded his imagination! It seems that he really did not sign this popular artist in China for nothing. In his heart, Chunyi Tanaka suddenly raised a heartfelt appreciation for Cheng Xuehui! He could hardly believe that he had met such a big bargain for nothing and could sign such a high-quality person! What's more, her major is so good that she already has a certain position in the performing arts circle! Tian zhongchunyi secretly looks at Cheng Xuehui, can't help but feel secretly happy! He said to Cheng Xuehui: "yes, what you said has a certain truth. When I saw Yunmin at the first sight, I felt that she was a very beautiful and lovely girl, so I fell in love with her at first sight, and then started a fierce pursuit for her. Fortunately, she fell in love with me at first sight, so I quickly established a relationship with her When Tanaka Chunyi said this, he couldn't help but smile secretly. It was a kind of smile from the heart, a kind of extremely gratifying smile. Tanaka Chunyi felt that it was Ning Xin who revived his desire for love and his confidence in love. , the fastest update of the webnovel!