“Lucy。” Looking at the back of Park Yunmin's leaving, Luo Xiwei feels a little guilty about Park Yunmin. After all, it is because of Luo Xiwei that park Yunmin is angry with Lucy. Luo Xiwei went to Lucy, took her hand and said to her, "Lucy, in fact, you don't have to do this just now. Park Yunmin didn't bully me just now. Really."

"She bullied you into this way when she was in the company during the day, and now she wants you to accompany her to the supermarket at night? Why? You've been filming all day. You have to rest. Why waste your time helping her? If this is not bullying you, how can it be regarded as bullying? Sister luoxiwei, I'm not talking about you. You are so kind that she bullies you To Lucy.

"It's not a big deal to compensate her for going to a supermarket." Luo Xiwei said to Lucy, "besides, she hasn't been to the supermarket, so she asked me? What's more, when I first came here, I didn't know the supermarket. Then you took me there? "

"Anyway, our attitude is to be tough so that she won't be too arrogant before." To Lucy.

"But..." Luo Xiwei looked at Lucy with some embarrassment and said to her, "maybe Just now you really started the dormitory war just as park Yunmin said... " She looked at Lucy worried, I really don't know what kind of method Park Yunmin will use to deal with her after this.

"I didn't start the war. Park Yunmin started it himself." Lucy said to Luo Xiwei, "we all know what Park Yunmin has done in the company during the day. Even if we don't take the initiative to start a war, she will never be idle. Sister luoxiwei, from today on, we should be more careful. It's OK in the company. She doesn't dare to go too far. After all, there will always be people who will stand up and fight for justice. But in the dormitory, there are only you, me and her. If she wants to bully us, we can only find ways to protect ourselves, but we can't count on anyone else! "

When Lucy talks, she looks so serious, just like park Yunmin is really a big tiger and will do something out of the ordinary bad things. Luo Xiwei thought that Lucy must be worrying about nothing. She thought that what Park Yunmin had done was just a prank. She believed that park Yunmin was still naive and lovely. She believed that she would never do anything harmful to nature. So she said to Lucy, "no, park Yunmin is not that kind of person."

"Why not that kind of person?" Lucy looked at her anxiously and said, "when I went to work yesterday morning, I saw her downstairs. I saw her swearing and swearing downstairs. Her face was ferocious, and she said your name from time to time. I think, she must be a vicious person, otherwise how can do such a thing? It's a shame to swear downstairs. It's just something terrorists can do! Listen to park Yunmin himself said, she is still a daughter, her appearance, does not look like what kind of daughter. We really have to be careful, and don't let her do it. " Lucy said it seriously and looked sad.

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