"I..." Luo Xiwei finds it hard to argue. She helplessly looked at Park Yunmin, watched Park Yunmin lift two wet plastic bags on the ground with difficulty, watched Park Yunmin limp to his bedside, watched her helplessly pick up the things in the plastic bags one by one, and put them in the window of the washing room to dry. Luo Xiwei could not help but feel a deep apology. She couldn't help but walk to park Yunmin's side, not caring whether she would be ridiculed by park Yunmin, and said to her, "Yunmin, I'm sorry. I'll help you clean it up. Wipe the water on your body first. Don't catch a cold. "

"No more!" Park Yunmin coldly rejected Luo Xiwei and said to her, "you'd better have a good rest if you are your companion! You have to get up early in the morning to film tomorrow. Don't let us idlers delay your filming! "

"No delay." Luo Xiwei said to park Yunmin, while actively extending her hand into one of the plastic bags to help park Yunmin dry up.

Park Yunmin did not stop Luo Xiwei from actually helping her. She suddenly felt that her stomach was very painful, so she covered her stomach with her hands! However, her stomach still hurt badly. She felt a stream of hot and humid sweat coming out of her forehead. She felt like a fountain producing cold sweat. She could see the cold sweat grow out of every pore of her body. Soon, park Yunmin could not stand any longer. She actually squatted down, and she felt powerless all over her body.

"Yunmin, what's the matter with you?" Luo Xiwei quickly put down the things in her hand, took out a towel that park Yunmin had bought and wiped the sweat on her head for park Yunmin.

"Park Yunmin, don't you? You're not, are you? Isn't it just a basin of cold water? Are you so weak? Look like you're dying? Park Yunmin, you really know how to act Lucy couldn't help but ridiculed, "in terms of acting, the whole first film and television if you dare to recognize the second, no one dares to recognize the first!"

"Lucy, just say less. Yunmin's face looks very pale. It seems that she is really ill." Luo Xiwei is very anxious to say to Lucy, "you quickly come to help me, help her to my bed."

"No?" Although Lucy felt very disbelieving, she jumped out of her chair and ran straight to luoxiwei. Seeing that park Yunmin's lips and face were white, Lucy couldn't help being scared! She looked at her nervously and said to her, "no? She won't really She won't die, will she Lucy was so scared that her tears almost came out. She was really afraid that her behavior would kill someone else. In Lucy's opinion, she's just making a prank on someone she hates. She doesn't really want to hurt others. However, she suddenly felt that she had played a big role.

"Don't talk about it. Let's help her to bed." Luo Xiwei very nimbly for park Yunmin dry the water, and then said to Lucy. They hold Park Yunmin very hard, and finally successfully move Park Yunmin to Luo Xiwei's bed.

Park Yunmin still felt a pain from the inside of the body. She curled up like a snail, and the cold sweat on her head never stopped coming out. Lucy is scared to death by park Yunmin's appearance.

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