Lucy suddenly stood up in fear. She shook Park Yunmin's body vigorously, so anxious that her tears almost fell down. Her mouth kept shouting Park Yunmin's name and said, "Park Yunmin! Park Yunmin! Wake up, wake up! are you all right? You're not dead, are you? "

At this time, park Yunmin slowly turned her body around, turning her back to Lucy instead of her back to face up. Then she said to Lucy, "you're dead!" She looked at Lucy blankly and couldn't help laughing. Lucy was timid.

"No! It's not good! " At this time, the tears in Lucy's eyes could not stop running out! Lucy looked at Park Yunmin, who was still very lively in bed, and could not help saying, "it scared me to death. I thought you were dead!" With that, Lucy's eyes fell faster and her tears were much bigger than before! She was laughing, worried and crying.

When Park Yunmin sees Lucy's fear like this, it's just a stomachache. It's the pain that park Yunmin has to experience every month, but this time it's getting worse because of the water. Such a small matter scared Lucy into such a situation. It seems that Lucy looks arrogant and defiant, and dare to tease her, but she is also a master who has not experienced any major events. As a result, park Yunmin even began to laugh at Lucy. She frowned and didn't even look at Lucy. She said to Lucy faintly, "you just died! I can't die

"Then I'll be relieved." Lucy was relieved to hear Park Yunmin say so. What's more, park Yunmin is so confident when she speaks. It seems that she will not be in danger for a while, Lucy thought. However, she still did not understand what kind of disease Park Yunmin had and why she could be cured by boiling brown sugar. Lucy was more and more puzzled. In her memory, it seems that she has never heard of the function of brown sugar in treating diseases! Therefore, she asked Park Yunmin, "Park Yunmin, what disease are you suffering from? Why does sister luoxiwei boil brown sugar water for you instead of sending you to the hospital? Are you sure that's ok? "

"What nonsense Park Yunmin gave Lucy a look of disgust and said, "Lucy, every woman will encounter something like me. In China, when girls encounter stomachache, they just need to drink some brown sugar water. Besides, maybe you are a few years younger than me, so I don't know. But remember, when you have a stomachache, especially when you are weak, pale and accompanied by strong abdominal pain like me, drinking brown sugar water is the quickest and most effective way to relieve your pain. This is my experience and I have taught you all today. "

"Oh." Lucy looks at Park Yunmin blankly. She still doesn't understand. What does Park Yunmin mean. What's more, she doesn't understand why Park Yunmin would curse her for a stomachache for no reason. She doesn't want her limbs to be cold and curled up, pale and accompanied by severe abdominal pain! What's more, she didn't understand why Park Yunmin said that this was the experience she had taught her, as if it was so great. For Lucy, she didn't care about such a broken experience. She didn't need it at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!