"I found out that you are a beauty Lucy seemed to have discovered a new world, she said to park Yunmin. She looked at Park Yunmin with great joy and continued, "Park Yunmin, I hope you get better soon. I believe that if you are so beautiful and your figure is so good, you will be red!" Lucy said to park Yunmin almost excitedly.

"Nonsense!" Park Yunmin couldn't help but look at Lucy. "You just found out that I'm a beautiful woman today. Your eyes are really good enough. Your aesthetic ability is really dull." Park Yunmin couldn't find a more appropriate word to describe Lucy.

Lucy felt a little unconvinced by park Yunmin's words: "you have never made a good impression in my heart before. You always aim at others everywhere. Of course, I don't think you are a good person any more. I have always been aesthetic to good people, but bad people are ugly. "

"You mean, I was a bad guy before, so you thought I was ugly?" Park Yunmin said to Lucy.

"No, no, no..." Lucy quickly shook her hand and said to park Yunmin, "it's not so ugly. I just think you're not a good person, so I don't have any interest in you at all. Naturally, I won't look at you, and I won't think you're good-looking."

"Why do you think I'm a beauty now?" Park Yunmin was suddenly very interested in Lucy's words. She suddenly jumped out of bed, and her eyes were fixed on Lucy, saying to her.

"Well..." Lucy was suddenly frightened by park Yunmin's appearance. She stares at Park Yunmin and says to her, "you Why are you sitting up all of a sudden? Are you all right? "

"I'm fine." Park Yunmin shook his head slightly and squinted at Lucy. Then, suddenly, she showed great interest in Lucy, looked at her with wide eyes and said, "go ahead! Now why do you suddenly think I look good? "

Park Yunmin's persistence makes Lucy feel cute! She looked at the way Park Yunmin looked at her seriously and couldn't help saying, "just now Just now I saw you lying there with your stomach covered. Looking at your miserable and helpless appearance, I suddenly felt sorry for you. Then, I think, in fact, so arrogant you also have such a fragile side, I suddenly become not hate you. Later, when I calm down and look at you carefully, I suddenly feel that, in fact, you are very beautiful. Really. "

"Really?" Park Yunmin looks at Lucy and suddenly feels that she is not so annoying. Lucy looks lovely. She gave Lucy a deep smile, and her hatred for her suddenly disappeared. However, when she thought of this, park Yunmin suddenly lengthened her face, looked at Lucy with a look that seemed to be angry, and said to her, "you caused me a stomachache. Should you make corresponding compensation for this?"

Lucy was stunned! Pu Yunmin as like as two peas in China! What's more, to Lucy's surprise, park Yunmin is not a big mother at all. She is just a little sister about the same age as Lucy! It was amazing to Lucy that she was so young, so domineering and able to defend her rights! She can't help but stare at Park Yunmin and stare straight.

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