"Sister luoxiwei! You know what? Park Yunmin asked me to deal with you! " Lucy said to Luo Xiwei. As she said this, she hid herself beside luoxiwei, and continued, "this woman is so terrible that we saved her life just now, but she forced me to hurt you, and I should hurt you together with her!" Lucy is so angry with Park Yunmin that her eyes seem to be shooting fire and glare at him!

"Yunmin!" Luo Xiwei is extremely disappointed with Park Yunmin! She can't believe that park Yunmin still hates her so much! She looked at Park Yunmin and said to her, "Yunmin, do you really hate me so much? You've just been drenched in water, and your body hasn't fully recovered, and you're anxious to start thinking about what's going on with me. Yunmin, even if you really want to deal with me, at least you have to survive today? You look at you now, if you deal with me, then you won't win? Yunmin, although you hate me very much and want to deal with me, you are Min Hao's sister after all, I don't want you to have an accident. You'd better have a good rest

Luo Xiwei's words simply moved Park Yunmin. However, park Yunmin always remembers and hates Charlie's incident. As a result, she looked at Luo Xiwei with some defiance, and the defense line in her heart seemed to have begun to collapse. Park Yunmin is emotional, Luo Xiwei's words always let her move, but, what should not be forgotten, Luo Xiwei can never forget! So she said to Luo Xiwei, "I Who said I'm going to deal with you? I'm just testing Lucy to see if her friendship with you is real. But now she's passed my test. I'm so glad you have such a close friend With that, park Yunmin buried his eyelids in a somewhat displeased way. She still didn't dare to look at the face of lothewie.

"Really?" Luo Xiwei is really happy to hear Pu Yunmin say such a thing! So, park Yunmin doesn't remember Charlie's incident any more and will not target her everywhere? Luo Xiwei is too happy to know what to say! She jumped to park Yunmin with great joy and said to her, "Yunmin, that Since you have said that, it means that between you and me It's a settlement, right? So, in the future, we can continue to be friends, right? " Luo Xiwei is very happy to stretch out her right hand and want to shake hands with her.

However, park Yunmin did not stretch out his hand!

Just when Luo Xiwei felt a little embarrassed, Lucy suddenly said to Luo Xiwei, "sister luoxiwei, you'd better ignore Pu Yunmin. I don't think she really made up with us. Maybe her head is thinking about what to do with us in the future

What Lucy said made Park Yunmin a little sensitive. She looked at Lucy with some displeasure. She had to stretch out her right hand because of her face. Finally, she had to make peace with Luo Xiwei.

"Great!" Luo Xiwei has been holding Park Yunmin's hand tightly, so excited that she can hardly speak. She could not help but feel a sigh of relief, she finally solved a difficult matter for her, a less enemy, less worry. She was happy for herself.

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