"Anshan? Is he An Shan? Is it Xiao Jian? " Luo Xiwei suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of her arrival. She saw that Anson's car was about ten meters away. Luo Xiwei couldn't help chasing out, but the car was driving faster and faster, and was about to disappear at the end of the road. Luo Xiwei stood there silently, her eyes moistened. She chewed his name carefully in her mouth, "brother Anshan Anson, Anshan It turns out that Anson and Anshan have the same pronunciation, but I never realized that Anson is Anshan Brother Anshan, brother Xiaojian... " Luo Xiwei looked at the car that couldn't get stuck in Anson's car any more. Tears of remorse fell out of her eyes.

Luo Xiwei doesn't remember when she met Anshan. It seems that she has known Anshan since she has memory. When Luo Xiwei was very young, she would follow Anshan behind him, chasing him and calling "Anshan elder brother" in his mouth. In luoxiwei's memory, Anshan has always been a good brother. He will take her wherever he goes. What delicious food is in the family, he will hide it in his pocket secretly, and then run to luoxiwei's home to eat for luoxiwei. The reason why he was secretly, because he was afraid that his sister would scold him. When anyone bullies her, he will stand in front of her to protect her. Since childhood, in Luo Xiwei's heart, brother Anshan has always been a very beautiful existence.

Anshan's father and Luo Xiwei's father are good friends who grew up together. Anshan's home is only one street away from Luo Xiwei's. In Luo Xiwei's heart, Anshan always seems to be only twelve years old. On a summer vacation when Anshan was 12 years old, his parents took him to the town one year. Unexpectedly, an accident happened. A drunk truck driver drove his car out of the guardrail and crashed three of the walking Anshan family 10 meters away. Anshan's parents had been hit and killed on the spot, but Anshan was more fortunate that he was walking in the innermost position of the road, so he was only slightly injured. After taking a rest, he was discharged from the hospital.

In Luo Xiwei's memory, when Anshan just lost his parents, he always stayed in his grandfather's house alone, silent. He neither liked eating nor talking. He always kept himself in his room. Every time Luo Xiwei went to see him, he always had red eyes. Even when Luo Xiwei talked to her, he did not speak. What does luoxiwei ask him? At most, he shakes his head or nods his head, just like a mute. However, this is much better than when others are with him. On weekdays, even if his grandparents ask him to eat, he will not pay attention.

After the summer vacation, Anshan's little aunt couldn't see it any more. She couldn't bear to see Anshan, who had no parents since childhood, and became a dumb little boy. She was afraid that Anshan would always see things and cry alone in such an old environment. So, an Shan's little aunt and an Shan's grandparents to discuss, will Anshan to the United States to raise.

Anshan's grandmother agreed. Anshan's little aunt found a psychological counselor for Anshan in the United States, and also provided him with a good living and learning environment. Anshan and his friends in the United States have been playing very well. In addition to the language of a little communication barriers, Anshan lived there very adapted.

From then on, there was no news between Anshan and luoxiwei.

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