"Good, good! I love cake best Luo Xiwei was very happy to drum her hands and said to Anshan. Then, she looked at Anshan doubtfully and asked anxiously, "can you make a cake?"

"Yes! I often watch my mom and dad make cakes with pressure cooker. If I can't, I've already seen it Anshan said confidently to Luo Xiwei, "I'll show you now."

"So you've never made a cake out of a pressure cooker?" Luo Xiwei said to Anshan with a childlike voice.

"No. But vivi, you must believe me, I will make a delicious cake for you to taste Anshan said to Luo Xiwei patiently, "I will make you have a very unforgettable birthday."

Anshan really gave Luo Xiwei a very unforgettable birthday. However, this is too unforgettable, it is unforgettable, so that she will never forget. However, although he did the second half of the sentence, let Luo Xiwei have a very unforgettable birthday, but did not do the first half sentence, to make a delicious cake for her.

If you can make a lucky choice, Luo Xiwei certainly doesn't want Anshan to make a cake for her.

At that time, although Anshan did all the steps before making the cake, it was almost the last step to open the pressure cooker

Luo Xiwei doesn't remember how magnificent the scene was at that time. She only remembered that she suddenly heard an unusual explosion, and then Anshan fainted on the ground. She only later heard that Anshan didn't release the gas in the pressure cooker because of improper operation when opening the pressure cooker, which led to the explosion of the pressure cooker and his injury. After hearing this, Luo Xiwei has been blaming herself in her heart.

Luo Xiwei is frightened by Anshan, who lies on the ground and is covered with bruises. He has many wounds on his arm and is bleeding all the time. His whole person is in a coma. Luo Xiwei is scared to think that Anshan is dead, so she wails there.

Fortunately, the neighbors of the Anshan family heard the voice and rushed from home to send Anshan to the hospital in time. At that time, the doctor said that if he delivered it a few minutes later, maybe Anshan would be dead. Hearing this, Luo Xiwei blamed herself for a long time. She even felt that she had harmed Anshan, so that she did not dare to go to Anshan for a long time. She was afraid to face Anshan.

At that time, Luo Xiwei was 10 years old and Anshan was 11 years old. When Anshan's parents asked about this matter, Anshan told his parents that he was greedy and wanted to eat cake, so he did it himself. He didn't expect that the pressure cooker would explode. As for Luo Xiwei, an Shan said that she must have come in a hurry after hearing the explosion. Then she saw him bleeding on the ground, so she was frightened, so she sat on the floor of their house and cried.

As a result, Anshan's parents did not continue to ask about this matter. But in Luo Xiwei's heart, she always knew that Anshan was for her sake. He didn't want his parents to blame her for this, so he cheated his parents. Anshan was a person who knew how to think for her when she was young. She was the warmest existence in Luo Xiwei's childhood. Only where there is an Shan can we have a happy childhood. Without Anshan, Luo Xiwei felt that her childhood had never been so beautiful.

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