"Since you know that park Zhihao still has friendship with me, why are you so confident?" Cheng Xuehui couldn't help sneering and said to jinyinyu, "however, jinyinyu, you are really powerful. Since you and I are irreconcilable, then, we will see. "

"Good!" Jin Yinyu looks at Cheng Xuehui very contentedly and decides to fight Cheng Xuehui to the end. Jin Yinyu is always a girl who doesn't admit defeat. Although she has never put Cheng Xuehui in her eyes before, she always feels that Cheng Xuehui is nothing in Pu Zhihao's eyes. Therefore, Cheng Xuehui is not her opponent at all, so she doesn't need to worry about everything. But this time, never thought, just a phone call, Cheng Xuehui called Park Zhihao in the past. Originally, gold and silver jade is just a guess, but, did not expect Cheng Xuehui did not deny this matter. It seems that no matter what Park Zhihao and Cheng Xuehui did that night, it is no longer important. At least it has been explained that there is always a place for Cheng Xuehui in park Zhihao's heart. Even if this position occupies only one percent, or even one thousandth, gold, silver and jade feel unbearable. Therefore, Jin Yinyu secretly made up her mind to compete with Cheng Xuehui. She looked at Cheng Xuehui and said to her, "laoxigu, big star, if you come here today, I don't think you have a part in it? Oh, you are a very popular star in China. I really didn't expect that you lost to the new actress Luo Xiwei when you took part in "mistaking male gods" in China. When you arrived in the United States, you still had to make way for others. It seems that you have passed away. "

"Gold, silver and jade, you don't want to stir up the relationship between Luo Xiwei and me!" Cheng Xuehui is very dissatisfied with looking at the gold and silver jade, said to her, "between me and Luo Xiwei, who plays what role does it matter to you? Besides, Luo Xiwei and I will be sister-in-law from now on. We are a family. You can't stir up the relationship between us. "

"Is it?" Jinyinyu couldn't help laughing, "when you were in China, I remember you were rivals! Oh, no, at least you often run against Luo Xiwei, especially in front of the media. You don't say less bad things about Luo Xiwei! But fortunately, people have Park Min Ho, President Park protection, you can not frame her. What's more, I read an interview. You framed Luo Xiwei in the beauty apartment where you lived. Park minhao stood up to speak for her. Even our family Zhihao helped Luo Xiwei because she was his future sister-in-law, rather than helping you, who was his girlfriend at that time. Cheng Xuehui, don't you think you are ridiculous? In this world, even your man can't help you. Can you count on others? Cheng Xuehui, I think you are miserable. At that time, Zhihao was just playing with you, not really loving you. And now even if you have his child, he doesn't want the child you gave birth to. Instead, he keeps begging me to give birth to the child in my stomach. Cheng Xuehui, maybe in the past, your love and career are very good. Oh, no, it can be said that your past career has been very smooth under the strength of many men behind you. But now, it's not your time. Cheng Xuehui, you are old. In the career, you lost to Luo Xiwei. Emotionally, you no longer have an advantage. You are the rest of the men in the entertainment industry. No one will like you, let alone a handsome and rich man like Zhihao. Cheng Xuehui, give up! "

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