"You don't understand me, do you?" Jack saw that luoxiwei looked like a fool, so he asked, "don't you know? Let me give you an example. For example, the famous Trojan War in the world was caused by a very beautiful woman, Helen. It is said that beauty is a disaster, but women's tricks are just a little tricky. But when a man is cruel, he can ignore the whole world and all the innocent people. How many people died in the Trojan War, and how much suffering it caused to the people, although we modern people can not understand, but after all, the war is a disaster, people who have experienced the war must be very uncomfortable in the disaster period. You and I can't feel this, but at least we all know that war is terrible for the people. By the way, lady Sara of our company has also acted in the film "the Trojan War"! It is because of this play that she became popular and has been a household name until now

"You have a good point." Luo Xiwei said to Jack, "I've heard of it, but I always think that the movie is a movie after all, which is different from the reality."

"It's not the same." Jack said, "it's just that there is such a thing in history. Although none of us can accurately imagine what happened at that time only by our imagination, the history of existence has always existed, and none of us can erase the existence of history. Do you think so, miss rothiway

"Yes." Luo Xiwei's voice has just dropped, only to hear Jack heave a heavy sigh of relief.

"At last, miss rothiway." Jack said to luoxiwei, "today's make-up is ready, you can go upstairs and take part in the shooting."

"Good." Rosie stood up and said to Jack, "thank you, Mr. Jack."

"This is what I should do, my beautiful miss rothiway." Jack played around the waist very gentlemanly and bowed to lothewie.

This made Luo Xiwei feel a little embarrassed. However, regardless of these, her make-up has been changed, at this moment, it's time to go upstairs and shoot.

Upstairs, the crew hasn't started shooting yet.

"Miss rothiway, you have come." As soon as Luo Xiwei entered the room on the 12th floor, park Yunmin pretended to be very enthusiastic and said to Luo Xiwei in a sour tone, "I thought you would be late again today! You see, the production has not started yet. The whole crew is waiting for you! No one bothers you today, right? Why are you still nearly late? It's not appropriate for the whole crew to wait for you, isn't it? "

Luo Xiwei really didn't expect that after a night, park Yunmin was still like a few days ago and refused to let her go. At least in terms of language. Luo Xiwei looks at Park Yunmin stupidly, but park Yunmin's eyes do not seem to have a bit of friendly meaning.

Luo Xiwei finally understood that park Yunmin had forgotten all the words he had said last night to be harmonious with each other. At this moment, park Yunmin is still back to the state of a few days ago. She looked at Park Yunmin in a puzzled way, but found that there was no memory on Park Yunmin's face that she had promised her to get along well yesterday.

Luo Xiwei can't help but feel a little disappointed to park Yunmin. She is very uncomfortable in her heart. She really didn't expect that park Yunmin would be so "forgetful".

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