"Luoxiwei, I can't see that you are such a smart mouth!" Park Yunmin bit his teeth and looked at Luo Xiwei, and said to her, "I used to underestimate you!"

"All right, all right!" At this time, Tanaka Chunyi did not know when appeared in this room. He went to park Yunmin's side and said to her, "Yunmin, can you say less?"

"Tanaka, you help her again!" Park Yunmin couldn't help looking at Tanaka Chunyi with a look of resentment, and said to him, "why do you want to help Luo Xiwei? Do you like her?"

"Yunmin, it's working time. Luo Xiwei is an artist of our first film and television company. She must participate in the filming now, so as to create more profits for the company. If you have anything to say with Luo Xiwei, you can wait until the non working hours, OK? Do you not mean to prevent me from making money and my film and television company from developing towards a higher and better direction by taking up Luo Xiwei's working time like this Tian Zhongchun said to park Yunmin.

"All right, then." Although I don't want to make more money with Tian Chunwei, I can't help but tell you that this is not the reason why I want to win more money Dispute and let her obediently go to film, obediently give you money. Good! Tanaka, I'll listen to you. I won't drink luoxiwei. I'll let her go to film well and carry bricks for you Park Yunmin said to Tanaka Chunyi.

"Moving bricks?" Tanaka Chunyi looked at Park Yunmin inexplicably and said to her, "what move bricks? I want her to shoot, not to move bricks. "

Park Yunmin couldn't help laughing. She looked at Chunyi Tanaka faintly and said to him, "moving bricks" means "work" in our Chinese network language, not really moving bricks. "

"I see!" Tian Zhongchun looked at Park Yunmin and said to her, "your Chinese is so extensive and profound that I always feel that I have a long way to learn..."

"Not only you, but also I, as a Chinese, feel that my Chinese learning is very general." Park Yunmin looked at Chunyi Tanaka with some pride and said, "the beauty of Chinese always makes me happy. However, these network terms are nothing. Our ancient civilization is really broad and profound... "

"Is it?" Tanaka Chunyi looked at Park Yunmin with great interest and said to her, "Yunmin, I seem to be suddenly interested. By the way, Yunmin, I heard that you published a novel of your own when you were in high school. You are a very talented girl. Why don't we go down to the coffee shop downstairs and have a good discussion of ancient Chinese culture. Do you think so? "

"Good, good!" Park Yunmin keeps nodding. Although Tanaka is a Japanese, he shows such a strong interest in Chinese, which makes him feel as if he has met a bosom friend! She suddenly took Tanaka's hand in public, then gave him a smile and ran downstairs excitedly, "let's go now!"

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