"No!" Luo Xiwei's mouth can't help popping out this word! At that time, park Min Ho was able to succeed because she still had the position of Park Min Ho in Luo Xiwei's heart, and it was the most important position in her heart. Therefore, no matter how Park Min Ho wanted to make zero distance contact with her, although she said "no", in her heart, she was not resistant, even accepted, and was very eager! Now, however, luoxiwei is facing a stranger! If this person also wants to do something to her like park Min Ho, she really wants to die to show her innocence! She suddenly looked at the driver, wondering who he was and what he was trying to do.

"Are you afraid?" The driver suddenly said to Luo Xiwei, "it doesn't matter. I'm on another road. Well, because my driver's license has just expired, and I haven't got a new one, I think if I go on the main road, if I meet the traffic police, then I will be in trouble, so I chose this path. In fact, I am not a law-abiding person, just because my mother suddenly became seriously ill a while ago, and I was busy taking care of my mother's condition every day, so I never went to get my driver's license. Later, my mother died, and I found out that my driver's license had expired. Later, I went to get my driver's license. However, my driver's license has not been obtained yet, and I will get it tomorrow. Although I'm driving like this is a risk, but girl, you have to believe me, my driving skills are very good, there will be no problems. Moreover, I don't regret that I didn't get my driver's license in time, because if I had been in a hurry to get my driver's license, maybe I didn't have so much time with my dying mother. Now, although I have become a bad citizen, and have to take the path to escape the traffic police, but I have no regret at all, because in front of the driver's license, I chose family relationship. What's more, it's nothing to get a driver's license a few days later. It won't bring any danger to anyone, so I think I should be a good man! Girl, I took the path and delayed your time. You should not blame me? "

"So it is." Luo Xiwei's heart finally relaxed a lot! If this is the case, luoxiwei's heart is certainly acceptable! At this moment, Luo Xiwei even complained a little in her heart about how to treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. Luo Xiwei, Luo Xiwei, it is clear that he is a good man who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. He is such a filial person. You can imagine him as a bad man who will plot against you! What's more, if he is an American, how can he aim at you, a newcomer? Luo Xiwei, Luo Xiwei, you were satirizing Park Yunmin yesterday. Your imagination is so rich that you can be a screenwriter. But now, your own imagination seems to be very rich! At this moment, Luo Xiwei felt extremely upset. In front of this kind-hearted driver, Luo Xiwei suddenly felt small and suspicious. So, she looked at the driver with some embarrassment, touched her head melon seeds, and said to him, "sorry, I misunderstood you. In this case, it's better to take the path. I'm not in a hurry anyway. What's more, we can have a chat in the car. "

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