"Have you ever thought of getting a large sum of money before you kill me?" Luo Xiwei said to the man.

The man looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "listen to your tone, you seem to be very rich." He gave her a serious appreciation of her and said, "how much money do you have? Would you give me all your money and die? Are you really willing to give money to your enemy who killed you? "

"I I don't have much money. " Luo Xiwei said to the man.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?" The man disdains to see Luo Xiwei one eye, continues to grip the knife in his hand.

"But my boyfriend has money!" "My son, Lian Xi, is my boyfriend. Since you killed Park Zhentian, I think no matter what the relationship between you and park Zhentian is, you should know what his identity is and how much property he has. Naturally, you will know that his son must have a lot of money. Now that park Zhentian is dead, all his money belongs to his son. Park Zhentian is the richest man in Jiangchuan and the second richest man in China. I think if you can get a lot of money before you kill me, you will have a very happy life in the future. Your life, even your descendants, can live a very rich life. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your descendants? It's not to say that the more money you have, the happier you are. But if you have money, you can send your children to the best schools. From this point alone, you have no reason to let your children lose at the starting line. "

"I don't understand what you're saying, but I think you're making a lot of sense." The man said to Luo Xiwei, "go ahead! What do you think I should do? "

"You can call park Minho and say I'm in your hands and ask him to give you a large sum of money to redeem me. As for how big the money is, it depends on how much you want. " Luo Xiwei said to the man, "Park Min Ho cares about me very much. He will send you money obediently. Then, if you kill me again, don't you kill two birds with one stone, as well as money

"You speak as if it were very good." The man laughed at Luo Xiwei and said, "if I want a billion dollars, do you think he will give it to me?"

"Yes Luo Xiwei nodded again and again and said to the man, "Park Min Ho has always regarded me as a treasure. I believe he will! Don't say it's one billion. Even if he wants him to give you yanmiao group, I think he will give it to you! "

"I don't want a broken company. I can't manage it. Besides, what do I want yanmiao group to do? I occupied their company, park Zhentian and you are dead, then I am not the biggest suspect? I'm not that stupid The man glanced at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "but I don't understand. If you really want to give me such a proposal, not because of playing tricks, but out of good intentions, why do you want to give me such an idea? Anyway, I'm sure I'm going to kill you. Why do you let the people who love you lose so much money for nothing? He can't save you anyway unless he calls the police. Of course, I won't give him a chance to call the police or let anyone know that you are in my hands. Otherwise, I will fall into the law and I am not so stupid

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