Luo Xiwei only wants to delay time. Moreover, if the man calls Park minhao, Luo Xiwei thinks that maybe she can get a chance of life! As a result, Luo Xiwei did not want to think, and told the man about Park Min Ho's mobile phone number.

The man followed Luo Xiwei to tell him the number broadcast in the past, the mobile phone is a burst of pleasant bell. Luo Xiwei listened nervously. She wanted to hear Park Min Ho's voice.

Sure enough, before long, Luo Xiwei was excited by the phone.

"Hello, who are you?" Park Min Ho's voice still sounds so magnetic. Luo Xiwei was so excited that she almost burst into tears! She wanted to shout at her cell phone and let Park Min Ho come to rescue her quickly. However, the man saw Luo Xiwei so excited that he stretched out a hand to stop her from doing anything.

"Is that President Park?" The man looked very calm.

"I am." Park Min Ho's answer was direct and cold. Then, in a somewhat arrogant tone, he said to the man, "who are you?"

"I am..." The man thought for a moment and said to park Minho, "you don't care who I am..."

However, to the man's surprise, park Min Ho quickly hung up the phone.

The man looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "you see, park Min Ho is such a temper. He doesn't care about you at all. He didn't hang up yet

"That's because he didn't know you kidnapped me and wanted to murder me." Luo Xiwei said to the man, "Park Min Ho is a person who always pays great attention to efficiency. If you call in the past, but you don't say anything, and you don't tell him who you are, of course, he will only think that you are a man who is full and has nothing to do. Well, you call him again, and then you tell him directly that I'm in your hands and ask him to take the money and redeem him. "

"Good!" The man suddenly came to strength, he quickly dialed Park Min Ho's phone again. This time, he learned a lesson. He told himself that he must let Park Min Ho know that he had tied Luo Xiwei as soon as he opened his mouth, so as not to be hung up again.

"Who are you?" This time, park Min Ho picked up the phone again. Just, looking at the strange string of numbers on the mobile phone, park Min Ho seems a little impatient.

"President Park, I'm calling to tell you something. I kidnapped your girlfriend Luo Xiwei. If you want to see her safe and sound, give me 10 billion yuan, and please send 10 billion yuan to my account in one hour, and I will send the account to your mobile phone in a moment. If within an hour, I find that I don't have 10 billion in my account, then I'm sorry, you will never see your beloved girlfriend again. " The man said to park Min Ho. Then he added, "by the way, don't call the police. If you call the police, park Minho, I'll kill Luo Xiwei right away. You'll never see her! "

"What do you say?" Although Park Min Ho's heart is in disorder, he still tries his best to keep calm and calm when he speaks, "you say Luo Xiwei is in your hand?! What evidence do you have to prove that luoxiwei is on your hand

At this time, the man suddenly handed his mobile phone to Luo Xiwei, and said to her, "you say a few words." , the fastest update of the webnovel!