"Anshan, can you save me?" Luo Xiwei anxiously looked at an Shan and asked.

"I'll do something about it!" Anshan looks at Luo Xiwei seriously and anxiously. He wants to rescue Luo Xiwei too much, but he can't think of any way for a moment. While lying on the window, he pondered over the way to save Luo Xiwei.

"Anshan, help me find a way!" Luo Xiwei saw that an Shan had passed more than ten seconds without any movement, and her heart became extremely anxious. She looked at Anshan and said to him, "the driver is coming back soon. He said he would be back in about 15 minutes. Anshan, try to smash the rear window and see if I can break the glass. I'll climb out of the back window

"I'll try." As soon as Luo Xiwei's voice fell, Anshan did not hesitate to go to the position of the rear window, then stretched out his fist and dashed at the car window

Even if you don't break the window glass, at least several times of knocking will make the window show some cracks. However, Anshan's two hands are beating blood dripping, she did not see a trace of broken window glass. Luo Xiwei was so worried that her tears almost fell out. She quickly said to Anshan, "Anshan, don't smash it again. Go down again, your hand..." Speaking of this, Luo Xiwei, who looks at an Shan full of blood, suddenly chokes. She was so excited that she could hardly speak.

"I'm fine!" Anshan said to Luo Xiwei stubbornly. He did not return his head, his attention has always been on the matter of smashing the car.

"Anshan." At this time, Luo Xiwei suddenly thought of an idea, and quickly said to Anshan, "you can see if there are iron bars under or around your feet. If there are iron bars, you can break the windows."

"Good! I'll look for it now As Anshan spoke, he bent over and began to look for it. However, for a long time, Anshan did not find anything. He came to luoxiwei and said to her, "No. There's grass all around here, not to mention iron bars. You can't even find a stronger branch. "

At this time, Luo Xiwei suddenly looked at the distance with a blank face. Then, she seemed to suddenly see that there was a car in the back of the car she was sitting in! And that car seems to be the car that Anshan drove a few days ago when she was picking her up and going to work! Luo Xiwei was almost overjoyed. She thought, in an Shan's car, there must be something like an iron bar! So, she said to Anshan with joy: "Anshan, are you driving here? Is that your car? " Luo Xiwei pointed to the car in the distance and said to Anshan.

"It's mine!" Anshan said to Luo Xiwei, "when I break the window, I will use my car festival to go!"

"Anshan, I don't mean that." Luo Xiwei suddenly found that Anshan's brain was as stupid as before at the critical moment. She said anxiously to Anshan, "I mean, you go to the car to find out if there are any metal things, maybe you can break the window open."

"Why didn't I think of it?" Anshan suddenly patted his head, "I'm going to get it. There's an engine in my car. It's very heavy. It's sure to break the window open!" With that, Anshan went to his car.

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