"How can I give it up?" At this time, the man laughed obscenely again. He took a few thin square bags out of his pocket and said to luoxiwei, "I have already bought them. I don't buy much. Only five. Anyway, I'm going to run out of these five things and kill you

Luo Xiwei was suddenly shocked! She felt her pupils dilate suddenly, and she felt an indescribable fear all over her body! Then, she imagined that the man's hands on the five small bags of things used up feeling, suddenly feel very disgusting! At the moment, she was really too sorry to ask him if he wanted to rob her.

"Well..." Luo Xiwei looked at the man very uneasily, pursed her lips and said to him, "can you promise me one thing?"

"What's the matter?" The man said to Luo Xiwei straightforwardly.

"You want my life, yes." Luo Xiwei looked at an Shan lying on the ground and continued, "can you let him go? He is innocent. You said that I saw your face, I know you, the murderer, so you want to kill me, I recognize that. But, he is innocent, he does not know that there is a you in the world. Can you let him go? "

"How can this work?" The man suddenly became serious. "Anyway, he broke my car. Besides, since all the people have come and he is here to save you, I can't let him leave alive. Anyway, killing one person is killing, killing a group of people is killing. It's a capital crime. Why not kill one more? " The man said to Luo Xiwei very seriously.

Luo Xiwei couldn't help but sigh silently, and her guilt for Anshan became even worse.

"But don't worry, I said I'll give you an unforgettable night before you die." The man laughed wickedly and said to Luo Xiwei, "five are used up, which can make you happy all night."

Luo Xi Wei Lengleng Leng looked at the man, raised his head, but suddenly laughed.

Because Luo Xiwei suddenly saw a glimmer of hope.

"What are you laughing at?" The man looked at Luo Xiwei inexplicably and said to Luo Xiwei, "when it comes to making you happy all night, I really didn't expect that you would be so happy. Would you like me to run out of these five bags? Are you so eager to give your boyfriend five colorful hats? "

Luo Xiwei tried to stop the smile on her face, so as not to let the man find out why she was smiling. It might be troublesome for a man to know why she laughs. Looking at the man's hand behind her, she hopes to start early.

Sure enough, soon, the man suddenly encountered a heavy blow behind him. Then, the man suddenly fell down, just like an Shan suddenly fell down.

"The mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind." At this time, the man behind suddenly said to himself. Seeing luoxiwei in the car, he immediately opened the door for her and held her in his arms. "When I received the call, I didn't believe it at first. You just came to the United States, you can't offend anyone, so you can't be kidnapped. But then I heard your voice and I realized it was true. You know what? You really freaked me out. I thought I'd never see you again in my life With that, his eyes became moist. He held Luo Xiwei tightly, more and more tightly, as if afraid that she would evaporate at any time.

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