The three words "dead girl" can be basically confirmed by Luo Xiwei that park minhao and Ning Xin are real brothers and sisters. Even if not, in park Min Ho's heart, Ning Xin will always be his lovely sister, and it can't be anything else. Therefore, Luo Xiwei could not help laughing when she saw Park Min Ho's worried elder brother fan'er's expression. She was very satisfied with the result. At least, she has seen that park Min Ho is duplicity, he loves her.

"What are you laughing at?" When Park Min Ho saw that Luo Xiwei was so happy, he could not help asking.

"Nothing." Luo Xiwei said to park Min Ho, "I just feel that you are really a good brother."

"I..." Park Min Ho wants to tell Luo Xiwei that he is not Ning Xin's brother, he is Ning Xin's boyfriend! However, he looked at Luo Xiwei's face and knew that Luo Xiwei had already seen through him. Therefore, park Min Ho is not good to put on any more, so he had to look at Luo Xiwei seriously and say to her, "OK! I'll tell you the truth. Ning Xin and I are brothers and sisters, not friends. I lied to you before

"I knew you were lying to me For a moment, Luo Xiwei laughed more brightly than the flowers.

"But..." Park Min Ho had some heart not to say, but had to go against his conscience and said to Luo Xiwei, "but I don't love you either."

"Liar!" Luo Xiwei gave Park Min Ho a look, almost disdainfully said to him.

"I'm sorry I was not a liar before. I really loved you Park Min Ho put on a very serious look, said to Luo Xiwei, "but, I don't love you now. If you have to take my love for you as a lie, then you will treat me as a liar! It is said that's your woman's specialty. Once your boyfriend doesn't love you any more because your woman is not cute and more and more unlovable, and even breaks up, you women will regard all men's doting on you as cheaters. However, I am not willing to admit that. I used to love you, I love your beauty, love your simplicity, love your innocence, my love for you is completely true. But everyone will change, and the things you like will naturally change. I used to like lovely and simple little girls, but now, I like mature girls. It's like a person who used to like chicken drumsticks, but after a while, he will fall in love with beef, and his taste has been changing. However, it has nothing to do with his character, whether he used to pretend to like to eat drumsticks. And vivi, you are so naive and lovely. You are no longer my dish. Vivie, if you want to see me as a liar now, you can treat me as a liar

"Min Ho, you are very good at analogy. But I'm not a thing. I'm not a chicken leg or beef. " Luo Xiwei said to park minhao, "I am a man, a man of flesh and blood." As Luo Xiwei said, her tears fell down.

"Vivie." Park Min Ho couldn't help but stretch out his right hand and said to Luo Xiwei, "don't be naive, OK? How old are you, and you are still in tears... " Park Min Ho said as he stretched out his hand to wipe Luo Xiwei's tears. However, his hand was hanging in the air, but he never touched Luo Xiwei's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!