"That would be great!" Park Yunmin couldn't help dancing with joy and said to Luo Xiwei, "that Weiwei, I'll go to bed first. It's faster. I've been waiting for you all night. I've been waiting for you to come back. I haven't been sleeping. Now I can go to bed! It's just Now, as long as I think of meeting a great writer tomorrow, I feel so excited that I can't sleep any more... " Park Yunmin said happily to Luo Xiwei. With that, she lay down on her own bed and slowly closed her eyes. In her mind, she began to imagine that she would know Anshan tomorrow. At what time should she get up and brush her teeth and wash her face faster? After all, Luo Xiwei doesn't need make-up in the dormitory. She just needs to wash her face and go to the company to wait for her makeup artist to make up for her. But she has no part in the play, so Park Yunmin thinks that she must wear a delicate light makeup in the dormitory, and then go to see Anshan, a handsome man with talent and beauty. By the way, and What kind of clothes do you need to wear tomorrow? Do you want to wear a light and beautiful dress that looks like a princess, or do you wear a more mature dress to make you look like a woman with charm? Also, I wonder if the person named Ann Shan love women's perfume and whether he is sensitive to perfume. If he's not sensitive, does he love to smell some perfume or is it a strong perfume? Yunmin's mind constantly entangled with these problems, and then, she even unconsciously in the past.

Luo Xiwei looks at Park Yunmin, who is gradually sleeping in the past, sitting alone on the bed, remembering what happened today. Today is just too breathtaking. I almost lost my life! It seems that I am still a bit resourceful today. If it wasn't for the messy demands made by someone who killed himself, that person would not really put these things into action. If she hadn't asked him to call park Minho for payment, park would not have come here to save her. If she hadn't asked the man to rob her before she died, she would not have delayed so long until Park Min Ho came here to rescue her! Everything happened so accidentally and suddenly! Luo Xiwei thought that if it was not for the two extremely absurd suggestions put forward by herself, she would have been the ghost under the knife. Thinking of this, Luo Xiwei couldn't help but smile. She didn't think that she could become so ridiculous! She never thought that she would take the initiative to put forward these absurd demands in front of a man, especially a strange man! Even in front of Park Min Ho, in Luo Xiwei's memory, she did not ask him the question that was hard for her to say and would feel shy.

However, at this time, luoxiwei could not help yawning. Luoxiwei is sleepy. I want to get up at more than five o'clock in the morning, and now it's one o'clock in the evening. I'm afraid she doesn't have enough sleep today. As a result, Luo Xiwei, who was afraid of not getting up in the morning, quickly lay down with her eyes closed and eagerly looking forward to meeting Zhou Gong in her dream.

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