Anshan looked at Park Yunmin helplessly and said to her, "but..." The corners of his mouth slightly wriggled, and his heart suddenly filled with an inexplicable feeling! He took a look at Park Yunmin, and could not tell whether he was grateful for her liking him so much or feeling helpless for her liking him. So, he glanced at Park Yunmin and said to her, "Yunmin, I I thank you for saying that, and I sincerely hope you are happy. But, Yunmin, I really We... "

At this time, park Yunmin suddenly burst out laughing! As if she had not said anything embarrassing to Anshan, she suddenly said with a smile, "Anshan, you think too much! I was just joking Seeing Anshan still looks confused, she continues to say to Anshan, "see if I play well? I'm an actor. Naturally, I have to contact my acting skills. By the way, you know what? I've never acted before! In a few days, the crew will have my part. You see, did I play well just now? Do you think my acting is great? "

"Ah?" An Shan can't help but stare at Park Yunmin in surprise and says to her, "you just It's in Acting? " An Shan couldn't help but tilt his head and said to park Yunmin.

"Well!" Park Yunmin couldn't help nodding at an Shan, and then said to him, "how about it? Did I do well? Do you believe it? "

"So Is it a fake? " Looking at Park Yunmin, she is frustrated. Although his heart is indeed a sigh of relief, but it is not clear why, his heart actually has a kind of light loss, however, this kind of loss, it is not clear whether it is because Park Yunmin does not really like him, or because of his "cheating" on him. Inexplicably, Anshan has produced a kind of At least it's not very pleasant. He glanced at Park Yunmin faintly and drove the car forward a few hundred meters. Then, he said to park Yunmin, "here we are."

"Oh, yes?" Park Yunmin glanced out of the window and said to Anshan, "thank you, Anshan. Thank you for sending me to work today. By the way, don't forget to eat together in the evening

"That Yunmin... " Anshan still feels a little embarrassed. He looked at Park Yunmin and felt that there was no need to have dinner with PU Yunmin. If it is true that park Yunmin likes him just now, is it not embarrassing for the two people to have dinner together? And if Park Yunmin said that it was fake for two people to eat together, then he would have no need to eat with his friends. At least, Anshan, like Luo Xiwei, is a very serious person who doesn't like to be cheated! No matter whether Park Yunmin said that he was acting out of carelessness or malice, even if it was just unintentional, even if it was just park Yunmin's natural character, however, Anshan could not accept Park Yunmin. Even if he just made friends with her, Anshan would feel that, wow, this is very difficult! So, Anshan looked at Park Yunmin and continued to say to her, "or Let's forget it? "

"Anshan, do you mind?" Park Yunmin nuogged at an Shan and said with a smile, "maybe you really misunderstood me? I have a boyfriend , the fastest update of the webnovel!