"Well!" Lucy still showed a very happy appearance. She chewed the chicken leg in her mouth very seriously. She slowly approached Luo Xiwei and said to her, "sister Weiwei, do you know? Last night, roson told me that he wanted to marry me With that, a happy and happy smile appeared in the corner of Lucy's eyes.

However, Lucy's words shocked Luo Xiwei! She didn't want to see such a thing happen! If Luo song really wants to marry Lucy, Luo Xiwei really doesn't know whether to support or oppose this matter. Luo song is a married man. As a moral citizen, she should not support his cheating and remarriage. However, as a good citizen, Luo Xiwei is still Lucy's good friend! As a girlfriend, she certainly hopes that her best friend will be with the man she loves and support her to find her own happiness! However, if this happiness should be based on the happiness of another woman, Luo Xiwei thought that it was too cruel. Luo Xiwei can't do it. She couldn't do it before. She can't do it now. In the future, she can't

As a result, Luo Xiwei looked at Lucy in silence and felt extremely embarrassed. It was a long time before she faltered to Lucy and said, "did he really tell you that? Did he say when he was going to marry you

"As soon as possible, of course." Lucy's face was naive again. She said to Luo Xiwei, "I heard that in your Chinese eyes, marriage is the limit that love can reach. It is a sign that a man loves a woman most. It seems that rosang's love for me has really reached the limit Lucy said, holding her cheek in her hand, looking very comfortable.

"Not necessarily." Did not expect, Luo Xiwei said to Lucy lightly, "he said so, you believe it? Even if you don't wait for the wedding day, at least you have to wait until he has prepared all the things he has to prepare for the wedding before you can really believe him, right? Men's words are mostly untrustworthy. Besides, do you know Luo song well? How long have you known each other, and you trust him like that? "

"If you love someone, you have to trust him completely. Isn't it? " Lucy looked at Luo Xiwei with a kind of trance eyes and said to her, "sister luoxiwei, I really didn't think that you were so pessimistic about the relationship between me and Luo song."

"It's not that I don't value your feelings." "I'm telling you the truth," Loewe said to Lucy. You and Luo song only know each other for a few days. Lucy, although I know something, I really shouldn't say it as a bystander. But I really want to remind you that you are developing too fast. And even if you are ready to marry him? Are you ready to marry you? Is he really willing to marry you? Has he got everything ready for the wedding? What's more, you don't know whether he is single in China, or unmarried and has a girlfriend, or anything else. Do you really know everything about Luo song? "

"I can't manage that much." Lucy's eyes kept rolling in her eyes. Her eyes were wet as if she were going to shed tears. She was a little agitated. She looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "in fact, I know Luo song. Really. "

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