"Oh." Anshan looks at Park Yunmin inexplicably. He doesn't understand why Pu Yunmin wants to leave here in such a hurry. However, he took a look at Park Yunmin. Without saying anything, he drove the car forward and said, "Yunmin, what do you want to eat?"

"Do you know any good restaurants?" An Shan said to park Yunmin.

"I don't know about that." An Shan said to park Yunmin, "I usually eat in my aunt's house, rarely go out to eat."

"Well Let's go to a restaurant in San Francisco and have Chinese food. " Park Yunmin blurted out.

The car came to a sudden stop! Anshan is almost scared! He couldn't help but stare at Park Yunmin and said to her, "what do you say? San Francisco? "

"Yes Park Yunmin can't help blinking at an Shan, just like a very innocent, harmless look.

"Have you ever been to San Francisco?" Anshan couldn't help asking.

"Yes Park Yunmin said to Anshan, "it is because I have been to that Chinese restaurant that I want to go there."

"But..." Anshan looked at Park Yunmin seriously and said to her, "it's about two hours' drive from here..."

"I know!" Park continued to look innocent and said to Anshan, "of course I know San Francisco is far from here. However, the restaurant is really delicious. Most importantly, the atmosphere and environment there are very good, very romantic. That's the most romantic restaurant I've ever been to! They just want to go there Park Yunmin can't help but say to Anshan.

"But It takes four hours to come back and forth... " Anshan looks at Park Yunmin with some embarrassment.

"But You promised to have dinner with me in the evening Park Yunmin said to Anshan, "besides, don't you all write during the day? Anyway, you don't have anything to do at night. What's wrong with taking your rest time for a meal and a ride? You are a great man. Do you want to go back on what you said? "

"I..." Anshan suddenly felt suffering and said that he was not afraid of hard work when he went back and forth for four hours. He was just afraid that it would be too late to pick up Luo Xiwei at night.

"If you don't go, you don't mean what you say." Park Yunmin said to Anshan.

At this time, Anshan almost still felt some hesitation. However, park Yunmin's next words let Anshan step on the accelerator without hesitation and drive the car forward.

"If you don't go, I'll tell Luo Xiwei that you are a dishonest person!" Park Yunmin winked playfully and pouted his mouth and said to Anshan.

What a terrible word that was! Anshan cares too much about Luo Xiwei and Luo Xiwei's views on him. Therefore, when Park Yunmin blurted out this sentence, Anshan did not hesitate to take park Yunmin to the restaurant in San Francisco today! So he stepped on the gas pedal again and sped forward

Park Yunmin's mouth showed a trace of very proud smile, she was finally able to go to her favorite, most romantic restaurant for dinner! However, the only thing that bothered her was that Anshan went to San Francisco so actively after hearing the name "luoxiwei". It seems that Luo Xiwei is really a very important person in Anshan's eyes!

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