"Hello, Miss Alice." Park Yunmin has just taken an Shan to sit down in that position. Suddenly, a beautiful young waitress comes to park Yunmin and greets him with spring. "I haven't seen you for a long time. This is the menu. What would you like?"

When Anshan looks at Park Yunmin for some reason, park Yunmin suddenly explains to Anshan, "Oh, Alice is my English name. I seldom use my English name. I prefer to be called Yunmin. However, if you want to do VIP in this restaurant, you must use English name. But strange to say, this is clearly a Chinese restaurant, but it requires customers to use English names, and I don't know why. "

"So, your English name is Alice!" An Shan can't help but smile and says to park Yunmin.

"By the way, what's your English name?" Park Yunmin looks at an Shan curiously and asks.

"My English name..." When Anshan thought of his English name, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. At the beginning, he called "Anson" because his name was Anshan, and the pronunciation of "Anson" was almost the same as his Chinese name. Therefore, he chose the name that is easy to remember. However, when Park Yunmin asked about his English name, he even felt that his name was a little hard to say! He looked at Park Yunmin stupidly. She looked very curious. However, Anshan was even more embarrassed. He scratched his head involuntarily and said to park Yunmin, "guess..."

"It won't be Jack or Tom or something like that?" Seeing an Shan's embarrassed face, park Yun min asked with a smile. She didn't expect that when she asked Anshan about his English name, he would feel so shy! It seems that Anshan is really a very good boy! Park Yunmin thought. However, Anshan's name may be very rustic, so he showed such a restless look? Thinking of this, park Yunmin could not help but drag his chin with his palm, showing a more curious look, and said to Anshan, "Anshan, what's your English name? Tell it to me. "

"My English name..." Anshan hesitated for a while, looked at Park Yunmin seriously and said to her, "it's called Anson."

“Anson?!” Park Yunmin can't help but chew the name silently and think about the Chinese name of Anshan Road. He can't help but shout out his name to get good! She was very surprised to see an Shan and could not help feeling, "Anshan, who gave you this name? Anson, as like as two peas in Chinese! People who don't know may think your Chinese name Anshan is a pseudonym! By the way, is Anshan your pseudonym? Was it Anshan or Anson? " Park Yunmin showed incomparable surprise.

Anshan sheepishly smiles and says to park Yunmin, "it's the real name. Of course, the first name is Anshan, then the name of Anson. My father's surname is an. When I was born, my parents named me Anshan. Later, I asked my parents who died in a car accident. I came to the United States with my aunt's family. I lived and studied in the United States, so I took the English name "Anson." An Shan said to park Yunmin.

Speaking of this, Anshan can't help but think of the scene of the car accident ten years ago, which took the lives of his parents.

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