An Shan heard some eyebrows from park Yunmin's phone. It seems that park Yunmin really broke up with Tanaka Chunyi, and it was Park Yunmin who took the initiative to break up. Anshan is a little confused. Judging from the tone of Tanaka Chunyi, it seems that he is unwilling to break up with Park Yunmin. But why does Pu Yunmin have to break up with Tanaka Chunyi? Anshan didn't understand. He looked at Park Yunmin seriously and said to her, "you Have you really broken up with Tanaka Chunyi? "

"Of course Park Yunmin said to Anshan almost excitedly.

"Why?" An Shan looks at Park Yunmin with some puzzlement and asks.

"No why." Park Yunmin looked at an Shan faintly and said to him, "in short, I have no predestination with him."

"Well Are you going to stay in first film? " Asked Anshan.

"Yes Park Yunmin took a look at Anshan and said to Anshan, "the contract has been signed. How can you say that you can leave and leave? Do you think I'm luoxiwei

"Luoxiwei?" When Anshan heard the name, every hair on his body would stand up! He took a serious look at Park Yunmin and asked, "what does this have to do with Luo Xiwei?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Park Yunmin looked at an Shan and said to him, "Luo Xiwei was originally an artist of my brother's company, but because they were lovers, they did not sign any contract, only verbal agreement. However, when Luo Xiwei arrived in the United States, she was dug up by Chunyi Tanaka. She immediately signed a contract with Chunyi Tanaka's No.1 film and television program, and I abandoned my brother's company. "

"Your brother?" An Shan thinks carefully, isn't Luo Xiwei's boyfriend Park minhao? He looked at Park Yunmin in front of him, and thought that her surname was also park. Then, did he say that park Yunmin was Park Minho's sister? So, Anshan immediately said to park Yunmin, "you said Luo Xiwei's boyfriend, is park minhao?"

"You know?" Park Yunmin really didn't expect that Anshan knew the relationship between Luo Xiwei and park minhao. She thought that Luo Xiwei would hide her relationship with Park Min Ho from him in order to maintain her charm in front of Anshan! She looked at Anshan and said, "did she tell you about her relationship with my brother?"

"I've been following her movements all the time." Anshan told Park Yunmin, "Luo Xiwei and I grew up together. I didn't hear from her when I first came to the United States, because there was no way. But not long ago, I saw her join the entertainment industry on the news, and then I gradually had a lot of opportunities to pay attention to her. I paid close attention to her microblog. I know that she has entered the performing arts circle and starred in "provoking the God by mistake". I also know that there is a spark between her and President Park of yanmiao group, and she has become Park minhao's girlfriend! I know all this. "

"You know a lot." Park Yunmin smiles at Anshan and says to him, "since you know she is my brother's girlfriend, why do you chase her? At least, I know, you like her

"But I also know that she has broken up with Park Min Ho." Anshan confidently said to park Yunmin, "what's more, whether Luo Xiwei has a boyfriend or not, it doesn't affect my love for her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!