However, it was Park Yunmin's words that put an endless pressure on Anshan. Park Yunmin's words are as if she broke up with Tanaka Chun for him. If he doesn't want to accept Pu Yunmin at the moment, he is an unforgettable villain! Anshan looked at Park Yunmin with some embarrassment and said to her, "in fact I'm not as good as you think. Thank you very much for your love, Yunmin

"Anshan, what do you mean by that?" Park Yunmin looked at an Shan with some displeasure and said to him, "Anshan, I know that the person you like is not me, but Luo Xiwei. But I can wait! "

"Wait? What are you waiting for? " An Shan said to park Yunmin.

"When you change your mind, when you can accept me sincerely one day." Park Yunmin said, conveniently took the red wine on the side of his hand, drank a few mouthfuls, and then strengthened his courage. He said to Anshan, "I broke up with Tanaka Chun, which does not mean that I want you to accept me today. Anshan, you are so excellent. There must be many girls who like you, no less than me. Luo Xiwei and you have been young since childhood, but I only know you. You don't like me now. You have no feelings with me. This is normal. But, I can wait. I can try to be friends with you first. I believe that one day I will wait for you, and one day you will like me, Anshan. The reason why I broke up with Tanaka Chun is that I want to start with you as soon as possible. I believe that feelings can be cultivated slowly, and you will fall in love with me one day Park Yunmin is very emotional to Anshan said.

"Yunmin." Anshan looked at Park Yunmin in embarrassment and said to her, "some things are not what you think. Although it is said that feelings need to be cultivated slowly, it is not easy to cultivate feelings between two people. It still depends on whether these two people are suitable Anshan said to park Yunmin with painstaking effort.

"No, how do you know it's not suitable?" Park Yunmin looks at an Shan seriously, almost to refute his words. She stares at him, like an angry lion, ready to eat Anshan. She continued to say to Anshan, "Anshan, some words can't be said too early. You think I'm not suitable for you, but maybe slowly, we will be suitable. And Luo Xiwei Maybe you think it's right for you, but you don't know, lothia is not for you at all

"Why am I not suitable for her?" Anshan looked at Park Yunmin angrily and said to her. His two eyes are fixed on Park Yunmin. He wants to see what reason Park Yunmin can say to prove that he and Luo Xiwei are not suitable.

"Don't you know? Although Luo Xiwei and my brother broke up, they still have each other in their hearts. " Park Yunmin said to Anshan with some pride, "and their hearts are closely linked together. They break up, just to make each other better, they think the break-up is to love each other better, rather than the relationship between them has a problem. What's more, they have identified each other for a long time. They'll be together sooner or later. When they realize that being together is the better way to love each other, they will come together at any time Park Yunmin said to Anshan with pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!