"What does it matter if you break up?" Tanaka Chun couldn't help but say to park Yunmin, "I just hope you still call me Tanaka as before, and don't force you to call me 'honey' or 'honey'. Is it really so difficult for you to call me an ordinary 'Tanaka' Tanaka Chunyi said to park Yunmin very puzzled.

"It's not a question of whether it's hard or not." Park Yunmin said to Tanaka Chunyi, "Mr. Tanaka, you should make it clear that since we have broken up, we are no longer in the relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend. However, we are still the relationship between the boss and the subordinates. Therefore, according to common sense, I should call you "Mr. Tanaka" like other employees in the company. Otherwise, others will think that I am disrespectful to the boss, no matter big or small. "

"Yunmin!" Tanaka Chunichi really does not understand why Park Yunmin has become so fast that it seems so difficult for her to call him "Tanaka". Perhaps, this is the real performance of not loving a person! When a person loves you, I feel willing to do anything for you. Once this person doesn't love you, even if it is a little work, it seems so difficult for the other party. Thinking of this, he can't help but think of his first love. He loved her for so many years, but she still didn't become his wife. Think of here, Tanaka Chunyi's eyes can not help but pan some tears. He looked at Park Yunmin seriously and said to her, "Yunmin, do you know? I love you so much I know that when I was with you before, I didn't treat you so well. When I was in the company, I asked you to distinguish between public and private, which is really difficult for you. As your boyfriend, whether in the company or outside the company, I should treat you as my boyfriend to love. If I ask you to be like other employees in the company, you have no privileges as a girlfriend, then why do you want to be my girlfriend? Yunmin, can you give me another chance to love you? If you don't like living there, you You can move out at any time. If you want to go back to where you used to be, and live near your brother's Hospital, you can go. If you don't want to live near your brother's Hospital, I still have two houses on hand. You can choose one. I just hope you don't leave me... "

"No more." Park Yunmin said firmly to Tanaka Chunyi, "I think it's very good for me to live in the company dormitory. It's just my break time, and I can also go from neighborhood to neighborhood to promote the friendship between artists. I just like living there. It's good. " With that, park Yunmin could not help but nod his head.

"Yunmin, you still refuse to give me a chance, do you?" Tanaka Chunyi suddenly turned into a bitter face. He looked at Park Yunmin in despair and said to her, "is it because of him?"

"He?" Park Yunmin looked at Tanaka Chunyi and said to him, "who is he?"

"Anshan." Tanaka Chunyi's mouth slowly spit out these two words, no matter in his words or in his eyes, there is jealousy. He suddenly felt his heart hurt. Originally, he thought that Pu Yunmin fell in love with others. It was just his guess, but he never thought that it was true!

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