"Huizi After so many years, your voice is still so good, full of the feeling of a girl Tanaka Chun one can't help but say to Kawabata Huizi.

"Tanaka, you If you want anything, you can say it Keiko Kawabata's heart more and more feel no spectrum, she has become more nervous than before!

"Huizi, I don't want to do anything." Tanaka Chun and Huizi said, "I am I just think of it all of a sudden. I miss you all of a sudden. How have you been these years, Huizi? "

"I..." Keiko Kawabata simply did not understand what kind of medicine Tanaka sold in his gourd. She spoke cautiously, for fear that he had recorded the call.

"Huizi, I'm sorry..." Suddenly, Tanaka Chunyi tearfully said to Kawabata Huizi.

"What?" Suddenly, Keiko Kawabata felt that the sun was coming out from the West. He couldn't help but say to Tanaka, "Tanaka, what do you say? I'm sorry? At that time, it was clearly... "

"Huizi, so many years have passed. Seriously, I've been hating you ever since you left me. " Tanaka Chunichi could not help but say to Keiko Kawabata from the bottom of his heart, "but now, I thoroughly reflect on myself. I just knew that you were not to blame for what happened then. When you are with me, you wash my clothes and cook for me every day. But for me, I'm full and warm. When I encounter something unpleasant in my work, I'm mad at you. Later, you also joined the entertainment industry, and you will encounter some unpleasant things. But whenever you are not happy, I always help other female artists speak, and will not take care of your feelings. Now I understand. Maybe you just wanted me to comfort you. However, I've made it worse in your heart, making you almost collapse Later, after breaking up, I told the media that it was you who split up. Sorry, Huizi. At that time, there were so many negative reports on you in the media. They all said that you were a heartless person. They said that you were with me when you had nothing. You entered the entertainment circle through my relationship and developed into a great success. Finally, for me, I quit the entertainment circle and decided to be the woman behind me, wash and cook for me, and take charge of the housework. But I was not satisfied, but told the media that it was you who cheated on me, which made you bear so many names Sorry Sorry I really don't know, that period let you carry so many scolding days, how do you come over. Keiko, can you forgive me? I know I'm wrong. I didn't take good care of you when I was with you. After I broke up, I slandered you. I'm really sorry... "

Tanaka's apology was so sincere that both of them shed tears of grief.

"Stop it, Tanaka." Keiko Kawabata tried to control her sobs and said to Tanaka, "thank you for saying this to me. But, in fact, I was not good at that time. I stole so much money from you Tanaka, don't you really blame me at all? "

"I gave you all the money voluntarily. Since it's in your place, it's all yours. " Tanaka said to Keiko Kawabata, "what's more, I learned later that you only used all my cards to see your father who had cancer. You are completely out of filial piety. How can I blame you? "

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