"There are many places to thank." Tian Zhongchun couldn't help but say to park Yunmin, "thank you for appearing, thank you for being my girlfriend, thank you for rejecting me again, especially for the words that made me wake up suddenly just now. Thank you, Yunmin Tanaka Chunichi sincerely expressed his thanks to his friends and laughed happily. He thought, if it was not for park Yunmin, maybe he did not know how much he loved Kawabata, how much he couldn't put her down in his heart, and how eager to be with her again! Now, even if Park Yunmin says to him, Tanaka, I don't like Anshan any more. I want to go back and want to be with you again. I'm afraid he will not hesitate to refuse her for the sake of Keiko Kawabata. Yes, even if Keiko Kawabata won't leave her husband, he just wants to protect her for the rest of his life. The young man's love, Tanaka Chun thought, after all, was too unsuitable for him. He never knew when the other party would have emotional fluctuations. He suddenly fell in love with others and left him alone. Perhaps only Keiko Kawabata can give him a sense of security.

"Listen to what you said to Huizi, you really love her. Are you really relieved of what happened then? " Park asked.

"Relieved." Tian Zhong Chun could not help but spit out a breath, nodded slowly and laughed.

"Well You don't hate me? " Park asked again.

"You're just a little girl." "Why should I hate you?" Tian Zhongchun said

"Well I'm relieved. " Although Park Yunmin doesn't know whether Tanaka Chunyi's words are true or false, and she doesn't know whether Tanaka Chunichi really doesn't hate her, she still prays silently in her heart, hoping that what Tanaka Chunyi said is true, so as not to bring him more numbness. In this way, there will not be so many obstacles between her and Anshan in the future, so that she can be more successful with Anshan.

"Yes, Yunmin." Tian Zhongchun looked at Park Yunmin and said to her, "I have already written the script. Tomorrow you and the two new Chinese actors can take part in the filming."

"Good!" Park Yunmin is not overjoyed. After all, whether she is an actress or a star, she is not interested in anything. She is such a golden lady, and her purpose of doing things is always beyond the imagination of ordinary people. She said faintly to Tanaka Chunyi, "that What about the script? "

"I'll ask Lucy to give it to you later." Tian Zhongchun and park Yunmin said, "by the way, Cheng Xuehui has just been discharged from hospital. Did you hear that she is pregnant? How could she be pregnant? Who's her boyfriend? "

"Tanaka, you don't gossip like that, do you?" Park Yunmin said to Tanaka Chunyi.

"It's not my gossip." Tian Zhongchun and park Yunmin said, "I'm worried that she's pregnant and can't take part in the filming, or it may affect the filming. If she gets hurt in the process of filming, or if she hurts her baby in her stomach, I'm going to be responsible

"She is pregnant." Park Yunmin said to Tanaka Chunyi, "didn't she tell you when she first entered the company?"

"No Tanaka Chun can't help but sigh and say to park Yunmin, "if she says it, I won't sign with her. It's too dangerous to be pregnant and have to work. "

"Then you can leave her out of the picture." Tian chunba can't help blinking.

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